[Sigtis-l] call for expressions of interest: Critical Theory of The Internet Project
jeremy hunsinger
jhuns at vt.edu
Tue Mar 22 20:31:52 EDT 2011
distribute as appropriate -jh
Does the internet need critical theory? Does the internet have critical theory? What is would non/traditional critical theory/ies have to say about the internet? How do the schools of critical theory engage with the internet? and Why bother with critical theory in this day and age? Those and others are the topics of the project on the Critical Theory of the Internet. Some of you may have heard me mention this project before. It is meant to be a fairly large project, parallel to one of the recent handbooks, only it will be free, and it will be open, much like my last book "Putting knowledge to work and letting information play", which has had over 3000 downloads so far from my servers.
The critical theory of the internet project will be a publication distributed electronically via the internet, comprised of works, textual and or internet-based mixed media. It is going to be produced and distributed through the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture via the internet.
This call is for expressions of interests to be a topical or area sub-editor and thus be a member of the editorial board of the volume. The volume is intended to find utility in having breadth and depth, and since I could not do that alone, sub-editors will be necessary.
As a sub-editor, you will be responsible for collecting, obtaining permissions to publish, and editing 3-7 'papers' or 'works' of 4000-15000 words on a specific area of your interest in critical theory that will comprise an identifiable 'section' of the volume. A section for instance could be 'Frankfurt School Traditions' , 'Critical Theories of Learning', or 'Labor'. You are also encouraged to submit a paper yourself. You also will likely be invited to attend a workshop or two at various conferences to discuss your work, etc.
As a sub-editor:
You will have to be able to work within google docs to the extent possible with your 'works'.
You will have to be able to meet deadlines within reasonable standards.
You will be responsible for marshaling the texts through a period of open peer review.
Hopefully you will do this with good judgment and applicable grace.
The timeline for the project is not immediate, nor rushed, I expect it will take 3-4 years to come to final completion.
An expression of interest will comprise of:
your name
your topic in 100 words or less (main idea and how it relates to critical theory and the internet)
your academic, artistic, or other credentials (especially if we've not worked together before)
sent by April 3rd 2011
questions and expressions of interest can be sent to jeremy at tmttlt.com
Jeremy Hunsinger
Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
Virginia Tech
Live without dead time.
-graffitti Paris 1968
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