[Sigtis-l] Fwd: Sociotech-ID'07 at Interact 2007

Suzana Sukovic suzana.sukovic at uts.edu.au
Fri May 4 06:10:04 EDT 2007

>Call for Papers
>Workshop on new sociotechnical insights in interaction design 
>(September 10-11, 2007) in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
>held in conjunction with the 11th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on
>Human-Computer Interaction Interact’2007
>Aims and goals of the workshop
>Diverse areas of the social sciences explore and conceptualize the 
>relation between people, society and technology under the rubric of 
>‘sociotechnical’, which can bring interesting insights into interaction 
>design. While organizational studies of technology adoption have a well 
>defined conceptual framework known as sociotechnical systems theory with 
>established principles, the situation is not the same for interac-tion 
>design research. The latter includes examples that give diverse uses to 
>the term ‘sociotechnical’ when involving social methods and theories. 
>While perspectives like ethnography, ethnomethodology and activity theory 
>have had a clear impact in the design of interactive systems, the 
>potential contribution of other social science per-spectives has not 
>become so clear and uniform despite the increased development of the 
>pervasive and social proxy – mediating and mediated -- characters of 
>interactive systems.
>This workshop will bring together good examples of research in interaction 
>design that refer to the term ‘sociotechnical’. The challenge is to 
>achieve some level of ‘translation’ despite differences between 
>disciplines whose main interest is under-standing social phenomena and 
>disciplines whose main interest is the design of in-teractive systems. It 
>is hoped the workshop will identify opportunities for a socio-technical 
>knowledge framework in interaction design.
>Submissions are welcome in, but are not limited to, the following topics: 
>actionable recommendations and guidelines for the conception, design and 
>evaluation of interactive systems as ‘social proxies’; improved methods 
>for the gathering and elicitation of sociotechnical requirements; 
>identifying socially responsible policies for interaction design; 
>understanding participatory design as a sociotechnical endeavor involving 
>multidisciplinary teams in the context of novel development methodologies 
>such as Agile.
>The following types of submission are solicited: long paper submissions of 
>up to 5,000 words, describing substantial contributions of novel ongoing 
>work; short paper submissions of up to 2,000 words, describing work in 
>progress.  All papers must be written and presented in English and will be 
>peer reviewed by at least 2 reviewers.
>Submissions will be evaluated according to the relevance and originality 
>of the work and to their ability to generate discussions between the 
>participants of the workshop. The format of submitted papers must follow 
>the Springer LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) format 
>including no page numbers. Submitted papers must be in PDF or Word for 
>Windows format. Papers should be submitted to 
>Important dates:
>- June, 10th , 2007: Submission of long and short papers
>- June, 30th, 2007 : Notification of acceptance
>- July 26th : camera-ready copies of accepted papers due
>- September 10th and 11th, 2007: workshop
>Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings, also 
>accessible through 
>A special issue on the same topic in a renowned HCI journal is being 
>planned and it is hoped that some of the submissions in this workshop will 
>be developed to contribute to this publication.
>Workshop (Co-)Chair(s):
>Jose Abdelnour-Nocera , Thames Valley University, UK
>Lynne Dunckley, Thames Valley University, UK
>Ken Eason, The Bayswater Institute, UK
>Program Committee
>Paola Amaldi-Trillo, Middlesex University, UK
>Fiona Concannon, National University of Ireland, Ireland
>Elisa del Galdo, Human Factor International, UK/US
>Joy Goodman, University of Cambridge, UK
>Susan Dray, Dray Associates, US
>Rogerio DePaula, Intel, Brazil
>Bob Fields, Middlesex University, UK
>Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, University of Aarhus, Denmark
>Elise van den Hoven, Technological University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands
>Ann Light, Queen Mary University of London, UK
>Stephan Lukosch, University of Hagen, Germany
>Zhengjie Liu, Dalian Maritime University, China
>Kris Luyten, Hasselt University, Belgium
>Ian MacColl, The University of Queensland, Australia
>Philippe Palanque, University Paul Sabatier, France
>Daniel Pargman, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
>Ulrike Pfeil, City University, UK
>Suzana Sukovic, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
>Christian Sturm, Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca, Mexico
>Helen Sharp, The Open University, UK

Suzana Sukovic
PhD Candidate
Information & Knowledge Management
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Technology, Sydney

PO Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007, Australia
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