[Sigtis-l] 6th Conference of the ISKO Spanish Chapter
José Antonio Frías
jafrimon at wanadoo.es
Mon Sep 2 19:10:23 EDT 2002
Salamanca, 5-7 May 2003
The goal of this IV International Colloquium on Library and Information Science and VI Conference of the ISKO Spanish Chapter it is to think about the research trends and methodologies in knowledge organization (KO), their paradigmatic and epistemological aspects, the ethical and social conditions and the diffusion of the results of the research.
Under the motto "Trends of knowledge organization research", the VI Conference of the ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization) Spanish Chapter and IV International Colloquium on Library and Information Science invites all interested people to participate actively with oral papers.
The program of the Conference will include speechs, papers and round tables, framed in the following scientific sections:
1. Trends of knowledge representation research.
2. Trends in the research oriented to the improvement of user's interface.
3. Trends of research in information retrieval systems.
4. Epistemological foundations of the knowledge organization (KO) research.
5. The linguistic paradigm in KO research.
6. The cognitive paradigm in KO research.
7. The physical paradigm in KO research.
8. Methodologies, methods and techniques of data collection and analysis in KO research.
9. The investigation oriented to the making decisions in KO.
10. KO research environment.
11. The KO in the digital environment.
12. Ethical, social and sociological aspects of the KO research.
13. Scientific communication and diffusion of the KO research.
Proposals of papers
People interested in presenting a papers in the VI Conference of ISKO-Spain they will prepare a complete text that will be subjected to revision, for their later publication by the University of Salamanca.
The proposals of papers will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the Conference that it will decide on their admission in function of the adaptation, relevance, quality, originality and clarity of the works.
Important dates:
15 September 2002: Limit date for the sending of abstracts of the communications to:
frias at usal.es
15 October 2002: Notification to the authors of the provisional acceptance and application of the complete text of the communications.
17 November 2002: Limit date for the presentation of the complete text of the communications. This version is considered pre-definitive and it is the one that will be subjected to evaluation.
15 December 2002: Remission to the authors of the comments of the Scientific Committee on the sent texts.
14 January 2003: Limit date so that the authors send the definitive version in which they will keep in mind the proposals of improvement of the Scientific Committee.
The abstracts. (of 500 to 1000 extension words) they will include a headline with the title of the communication, and the name and full address (postal address, telephone, fax and electronic mail) of all the authors, with indication of who he/she will carry out the oral presentation. Insofar as possible, they should include the objectives, the methodology and the results. The sending is recommended by electronic mail in Word or RTF (indicating ISKO in the field of the subject) to the following address: frias at usal.es.
The language of the conference will be the Spanish although they will be been able to admit papers in languages different to the Spanish. English-Spanish interpretation service will exist during the celebration of the conference.
All the accepted papers will be exposed in the Conference, for what at least one of the authors will be inscribed in enough advance. The maximum time of explanation of the papers will be of 15 minutes.
The norms for the presentation of the accepted papers will be send to the authors when they are communicated the decision of the Scientific Committee.
Advance of program (provisional)
Monday 5 May:
9-9,30 h.: Registration and documentation pick up.
9,30-10 h.: Conference opening addresses
10-11,30 h.: Speech
11,30-12 h.: Coffe-break.
12-14 h.: Papers (2 parallel sessions).
16-17,30 h.: Speech.
17,30-18 h.: Coffe-break.
18-20 h.: Round Table: "The harmonization of the subject access in a multingüe state "
20 h.: Visit to the city of Salamanca.
Tuesday 6 May:
10-11,30 h.: Speech.
11,30-12 h.: Coffe-break
12-14 h.: Papers (2 parallel sessions)
16-17,30 h.: Speech.
17,30-18 h.: Coffe-break
18-20 h.: I Meeting of University Professors of Knowledge Organization.
20 h.: ISKO-Spain General Assembly.
22 h.: Dinner offered to the assistants to the Conference.
Wednesday 7 May:
10-11,30 h.: Speech.
11,30-12 h.: Coffe-break.
12-14 h.: Papers (2 parallel sessions)
16-17,30 h.: Speech
17,30-18 h.: Coffe-break
18-20 h.: Homage to the Dra. Emilia Currás.
20 h.: Conference closure.
Conference venue
University of Salamanca
Facultad de Traducción y Documentación
Francisco Vitoria, 6-16
37008 Salamanca
150 vacancies
Inscription fees:
Until to 15th of February, 2003: Ordinary fee: 90 Eurus.
Members of ISKO, students and unemployed: 60 Eurus.
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