[sigtag-l] Ariadne article

Heather D. Pfeiffer hdp at cs.nmsu.edu
Wed Feb 27 10:31:34 EST 2008


  Thank you for all your hard work on this article; without you it
  would have never happened.

  If other people would like to talk about more research ideas in this
  area, feel free to contact any of the authors.  We are all happy
  to "bounce around" ideas.

-Heather D.

| Heather D. Pfeiffer, PhD          | e-mail:  hdp at cs.nmsu.edu |
| Computer Science Department       |                          |
| New Mexico State University       | Voice:   (505) 496-3502  |
| Box 30001/MSC CS                  |                          |
| Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-8001 | FAX:     (575) 646-1002  |
| WEB: http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~hdp  |                          |

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