[Sigpub-l] Call for New SIG-PUB Officers.

Scott Lapinski slapinski at mco.edu
Tue Oct 29 14:34:04 EST 2002

...I still have no "takers" on any of the open slots for SIG-PUB
officers.  This has been the case since the annual meeting in 2000, so
I'm not too surprised by the lack of interest. But, I'm wondering if we
need to consider a larger question...is SIG-PUB still needed within
ASIST at all? 

At last year's planning session in DC, we had only 1 person show up.
Over the past 4 years, there has only been about 4 people who have been
active in the SIG . So my question is, "Should SIG-PUB be dissolved?".
Or, might a less drastic solution be to propose a more trendy
name-change, say "SIG - Electronic Publication". The mission statement
could also be re-worked to focus more directly on E-Publishing and
related technologies.

Of course, the latter of the two ideas will require some help and
support from the membership, so I'd hope to hear from some motivated
people who would like to help make the transition. 

Either way, I need some feedback from the SIG-PUB members on those

For the record, there are about 120 members who are currently
subscribed to SIGPUB-L, so a unified silence will tell me that people
are ready to let SIG-PUB retire.

Thanks for any comments,

Scott Lapinski (Past-Chair SIG-PUB)
Digital Services Librarian
Medical College of Ohio
slapinski at mco.edu

>>> "Scott Lapinski" <slapinski at mco.edu> 10/21/02 05:24PM >>>
Greetings Sig-Pub

SIG-PUB needs a full slate of new officers. I was the outgoing Chair
2001, but will no longer be able to lead the SIG after this November.
there is anyone who is interested in taking on a leadership role for
SIG-PUB, now is the time! Please send an E-Mail to me if you have any
interest becoming the Chair of SIG-PUB. Preference needs to be given
someone who will be at the Annual Meeting next month... but even if
can't make the meeting, let me know of your interest.

Scott Lapinski
slapinski at mco.edu 


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