[Sigmet-officers] migrate to an alternative platform outside ASIST?
Philippe Mongeon
philippe.mongeon at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 02:21:34 EST 2018
Hi all,
I was just wondering: have we actually been contacted by ASIST about the
migration to the new platform?
I'm asking because for all I know, they have not, and this makes me feel
like this whole "migration to the new platform" fuss is a bit of a
misunderstanding, or at least a bit premature.
I have this impression because of the following answer from Lydia Middleton
to Neil's inquiry about solutions for non-members:
*I didn’t realize you were planning to communicate this just yet. We are
still formulating options for non-member listserv members. The Board has
approved a new membership category that we are currently building. *
*Please let everyone know that we are not quite ready to roll out these
changes yet but that more news will be forthcoming around how non-members
can continue to engage with the SIG.*
In any case, as I said in my last message to the listserv, I think we
should put all this on the ice until we have received all necessary
information and instructions from ASIST.
2018-02-27 19:49 GMT-05:00 Dietmar Wolfram <dwolfram at uwm.edu>:
> Dear all,
> If there are no issues with establishing another list or forum outside of
> ASIST, the SIG could try another platform. Another aspect to consider is
> the role served by the SIGMETRICS list in relation to the ISSI list. I
> presume the ISSI list, which has just over 300 members, does not enforce a
> membership restriction. If there is a large overlap between the two lists,
> would potential members want to be part of an ASIST-provided platform for
> SIGMET (assuming they are ASIST members), an outside SIGMET list, and the
> ISSI list? If there isn't a large overlap, it may not be a concern.
> Best,
> Dietmar
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Sigmet-officers <sigmet-officers-bounces at asist.org> on behalf of
> Philippe Mongeon <philippe.mongeon at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 27, 2018 12:04 PM
> *To:* Smalheiser, Neil R
> *Cc:* sigmet-officers at mail.asis.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Sigmet-officers] migrate to an alternative platform
> outside ASIST?
> That's an good point Neil, I'll check the rules to see if what I propose
> is allowed.
> And thank you for checking with Lydia and Brandi to see if we have options!
> Personnally, my allegiance is to members of the research community whether
> they are members of ASIST or not. I do not care about making ASIST money...
> I want to bring people and ideas together and eliminate any barriers to
> that as much as possible. That is why I am involved in SIGMET.
> That is my personal point of view... of course, as a SIGMET officer I will
> abide by the rules and the decisions we make as a group.
> I'll get back to you all once I looked at those rules (most likely
> tomorrow).
> Cheers,
> P.
> 2018-02-27 12:38 GMT-05:00 Smalheiser, Neil R <neils at uic.edu>:
> Philippe publicly raised the possibility of moving the SIG MET listserv
> not to ASIST but to an independent venue that does not require ASIST
> membership for participation. (Or perhaps you mean to create a second,
> parallel listserv which goes both to ASIST as well as to outside
> participants??)
> I think it would be great to allow nonmembers to remain part of the group.
> However, there are some serious issues that need to be discussed among the
> officers.
> First, are we allowed to do this as part of our charter as a SIG? Is our
> role as a SIG to foster ASIST first, or the broad community first? By not
> requiring membership we are diminishing the potential numbers of ASIST (and
> SIG) members; viewed another way, the listserv could be viewed as an
> important reason to pay the membership fees. We are gaining benefits from
> ASIST and passing them on for free. So, Philippe, please read the charter
> and rules very carefully and let me know if this scheme will be
> permissible. If you think it is, then I will approach the hierarchy to ask
> for permission to set up a listserv that broadcasts beyond current members
> [or at least grandfathers in the existing audience].
> Second, who is volunteering to host the non-ASIST listserv for a
> significant number of years into the future? Someone needs to step up and
> make a longterm commitment or else this is not a viable option.
> Third, does one need to be an ASIST member to join SIG MET? Possibly we
> can see if listserv participants can pay just the latter fee (and get just
> this benefit, without other benefits of SIG membership which ordinarily go
> with ASIST membership).
> All – let me know your thoughts. I think it is terrible that the migration
> will lose the majority of our audience, but on the other hand, they really
> should be ASIST members anyway?!
> I will separately write an email saying how to join ASIST and the SIG,
> regardless of the above.
> Neil
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