[Sigmet-officers] migrate to an alternative platform outside ASIST?

Xu, Shenmeng shenmeng at email.unc.edu
Tue Feb 27 16:25:45 EST 2018

I agree that it would be great to allow nonmembers to remain part of the group. As far as I know, nonmembers include many people who were once members and people who are potential members in the future.
The privacy issue that using Google or Yahoo! might bring is probably a big concern. I personally know people who refuse to use Google, just as one member said on the mailing list.
I'm just not sure if there is anyway (that SIGMET can afford) that we can keep this listserv? (even at some additional cost or having additional officers to maintain it, etc.) This can be an unofficial listserv if ASIS&T needs another official community. Just some random thoughts...


From: Sigmet-officers <sigmet-officers-bounces at asist.org> on behalf of Isabelle Dorsch <Isabelle.Dorsch at hhu.de>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 1:58:06 PM
To: Smalheiser, Neil R
Cc: sigmet-officers at mail.asis.org
Subject: Re: [Sigmet-officers] migrate to an alternative platform outside ASIST?


as already mentioned by Neil and Philippe, I think it's not good for the
SIG MET community. In my opinion the listserv is actually the best
working communication tool for SIG MET. On the other hand, I can
understand that ASIS&T will shut the list down, since there is not so
much going on in the community page.

Maybe Philippe will find some helpful information in the rules?

> but on the other
> hand, they really should be ASIST members anyway?!

It would also be good to know how many non-members we have in the
mailing list? Or, as the mailing list does not provide this information
(if I am right) how many members does SIG MET have (listed in the
chapter rooster) compared to the number of mailing list members (also if
this is only a rough calculation)?


Am 2018-02-27 18:38, schrieb Smalheiser, Neil R:
> Philippe publicly raised the possibility of moving the SIG MET
> listserv not to ASIST but to an independent venue that does not
> require ASIST membership for participation. (Or perhaps you mean to
> create a second, parallel listserv which goes both to ASIST as well as
> to outside participants??)
> I think it would be great to allow nonmembers to remain part of the
> group. However, there are some serious issues that need to be
> discussed among the officers.
> First, are we allowed to do this as part of our charter as a SIG? Is
> our role as a SIG to foster ASIST first, or the broad community first?
>  By not requiring membership we are diminishing the potential numbers
> of ASIST (and SIG) members; viewed another way, the listserv could be
> viewed as an important reason to pay the membership fees. We are
> gaining benefits from ASIST and passing them on for free. So,
> Philippe, please read the charter and rules very carefully and let me
> know if this scheme will be permissible. If you think it is, then I
> will approach the hierarchy to ask for permission to set up a listserv
> that broadcasts beyond current members [or at least grandfathers in
> the existing audience].
> Second, who is volunteering to host the non-ASIST listserv for a
> significant number of years into the future? Someone needs to step up
> and make a longterm commitment or else this is not a viable option.
> Third, does one need to be an ASIST member to join SIG MET?  Possibly
> we can see if listserv participants can pay just the latter fee (and
> get just this benefit, without other benefits of SIG membership which
> ordinarily go with ASIST membership).
> All - let me know your thoughts. I think it is terrible that the
> migration will lose the majority of our audience, but on the other
> hand, they really should be ASIST members anyway?!
> I will separately write an email saying how to join ASIST and the SIG,
> regardless of the above.
> Neil
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Isabelle Dorsch, B.A., M.A.
Dept. of Information Science
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Bldg 24.53, Level 01, Room 87
Universitätsstraße 1
D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tel. +49 211 81-10803
Website: www.isi.hhu.de/dorsch<http://www.isi.hhu.de/dorsch>
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