[Sigmet-officers] Update on the paper contest

Jonathan Levitt jonathan at levitt.net
Wed Mar 30 15:56:49 EDT 2011

Dear all,
Of the ten potential reviewers, four have accepted (Kevin Boyack, Katherine McCain, Ronald Roussueau and Mike Thelwall), three declined and three have not yet replied.
I suggest that we finalise the reviewing criteria well before the deadline.  On the basis of previous discussions, I suggest in addition to the default criteria (Overall evaluation, -3 to 3;
Reviewer confidence, 0 to 4) we have the following criteria:
(1)      Potential for publication (1 to 5).
(2)      Quality of the writing (1 to 5).
(3)      Comments on potential for publication and quality of writing.
As the reviewers prefer an absolute score, I suggest we go for it.  We don’t have anyone to normalise, but hopefully the results will not be too skewed by not normalising.
I have two questions:
(a)       How are the papers assigned to reviewers?
(b)      Is there any way of making sure that   reviewers receive their papers ASAP.
Judit wrote “I am not sure, but I think that there is a way to send the scores to the authors - Chaoqun can probably test this.”   Chaoqun could you please find out and also how many papers have already been submitted.
Best regards,
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