[Sigmet-officers] Paper contest - second call and raising money

Jonathan Levitt jonathan at levitt.net
Fri Mar 11 16:52:47 EST 2011

Thanks Chaoqun for posting the second call so quickly.  Thanks Dietmar for raising the important question of funding the prizes.  It is important that we don’t commit ourselves unnecessarily to prizes until we have some definite funding.  Cassidy has asked KT about this and, as far as I know, she has not heard when the matter will be considered.
Apart from funding we have requested, the only way I have thought of obtaining money is from a Webmar.  According to a recent email from Dick Hill on March 4 “Charges … Set up Webinar in system, put on ASIST web, make registration form if people are paying = $50 … If the Webinar is free for all, that’s it ... If SIGs or Chapters want to charge … then we’ll charged $1.75 per person who actually takes the Webinar … The SIG or Chapter would decide themselves what they want to charge for different groups.”
I suggest that we try to hold a Webmar ASAP, as the SIG needs money urgently.  I calculate that a Webmar with twenty participants paying an average of $27 would result in a profit of $455 (assuming that the speakers give their services free of charge).  In order to expedite matters, I have begun forming my thoughts about a possible Webmar for the SIG.  I will post these to the list as soon as I can.
Best regards,

--- On Wed, 9/3/11, Dietmar Wolfram <dwolfram at uwm.edu> wrote:

From: Dietmar Wolfram <dwolfram at uwm.edu>
Subject: Re: [Sigmet-officers] Paper contest - second call
To: sigmet-officers at asis.org
Date: Wednesday, 9 March, 2011, 22:37

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I think it's a good idea to post the call again at this time. We will need to revisit the funding issue in the near future. As far as I know we have no money as a SIG at this time. I'm sure this will change as membership renewals are processed that include SIG/MET. Prizes may need to be quite modest this first year, so it's a good thing no monetary amounts were mentioned in the call for papers.

From: "Jonathan Levitt" <jonathan at levitt.net>
To: sigmet-officers at asis.org
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 12:37:11 PM
Subject: [Sigmet-officers] Paper contest - second call

Dear Chaoqun, 


It is almost four weeks since the first call.  Could you please post your second call to all relevant lists. 




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