[Sigmet-officers] Website - finalising
Jonathan Levitt
jonathan at levitt.net
Wed Mar 9 13:13:38 EST 2011
Dear Angela,
Thanks for implemented the changes. Your site looks very good.
My final suggestions, all very minor, are to
(1) About page: Hyper-link to ‘Student Paper Contest’ and ‘ASIS&T Annual Meeting’.
(2) Resources page-> Allied websites: Omit ‘Web-site of the; from the reference to the 11th International Conference on Science and Technology indicators and hyper-link ‘11th International Conference on Science and Technology’.
(3) Resources page-> Allied websites: Omit ‘Home page of the’.
(4) Resources page-> Allied websites: Add ‘American Society for Information Science and Technology’ hyperlinked to the ASIST home page.
As no one has suggested any further changes over the past two week, I suggest that you upload your final version of the Web-site.
Best regards,
--- On Mon, 21/2/11, Jonathan Levitt <jonathan at levitt.net> wrote:
From: Jonathan Levitt <jonathan at levitt.net>
Subject: Website - announcing the AM: resources
To: sigmet-officers at asis.org
Date: Monday, 21 February, 2011, 11:34
I agree that the draft site looks very good. I suggest that the Web-site announces the ASIST call for papers and posters and add that the ASIST meeting usually has several papers and posters on the measurement and use of information.
I have drafted the resources page of the Google doc and it would be helpful if other officers were to extend and/or amend.
--- On Sun, 20/2/11, Cassidy Sugimoto <cassidysugimoto at gmail.com> wrote:
From: Cassidy Sugimoto <cassidysugimoto at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Sigmet-officers] Is there a problem with the sigmet-officers list
Cc: sigmet-officers at asis.org
Date: Sunday, 20 February, 2011, 19:45
My only concern is that there is no place on this that spells out ASIS&T, links to ASIS&T, or includes any ASIS&T logo/coloring. I think it's important that we make this affiliation clear.
Other than that, I really love the form and structure. Great work, Angela!
On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Angela Zoss <amzoss at indiana.edu> wrote:
Thanks for the continued feedback on the website, everyone. Here's a start (hosted on my personal site for the time being), though I haven't added the boxes on the sides yet.
Keep the feedback coming! Next I'll start the discussion about moving the site to asis.org, and when we have everything stable and transferred, we can start advertising the site and including the official URL for the student paper contest in any additional announcements.
It might be time to go ahead and start compiling resources. Perhaps we can keep adding to the list in "Phase 3" of the original Google Doc:
On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Jonathan Levitt <jonathan at levitt.net> wrote:
The decision is a matter of judgement and I think you have a good feel for Web-site design. I suggest that unless someone on this list comes up with any clear-cut preferences, when you have the time you produce the site that you think is appropriate.
I agree with Judit that the layout is excellent.
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Cassidy R. Sugimoto, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University Bloomington
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