[Sigmet-officers] WebMar deabate
Cassidy Sugimoto
cassidysugimoto at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 11:44:50 EST 2011
I would personally love to see a Leydesdeoff and Van Raan debate (and I
think I would not be alone here). Do you think that identifying Crown
indicators is too specific (even with the mention of "alternative
indicators")? Another idea that was floated at the AM was the idea of
debating citation metrics vs. usage metrics or other web-based metrics.
However, I could imagine this as a panel at the AM (rather than a debate)
with White (or another Drexel-ite), Leydesdorff, Thelwall (or our very own
Jonathan!), and Bollen.
The current pricing structure that has been discussed by the board for
webinars is free for members at $49 for non-ASIS&T members. However, some
webinars have been putting a small member charge ($10-$20) if the speakers
require any funding.
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Jonathan Levitt <jonathan at levitt.net>wrote:
> *Hi all,*
> * *
> *Cassidy has suggested starting work on the WebMar deabate earlier than I
> had proposed. *
> * *
> *I think we need to agree on the topic, possible speakers and moderator. According
> to notes from the 2010 meeting “A possibility for the debate topic was Crown
> indicators. This debate would have two speakers and one moderator and
> would be streamed live for the ASIS&T audience.” I suggest that we modify
> the topic to ‘Crown and alternative indicators’. This way it allows
> speakers to suggest and discuss alternatives. As regards speakers, I
> think it a good idea to have someone who opposes the Crown (e.g.,
> Leydesdorff) and someone who helped develop it (e.g. Van Raan, Moed). What
> do you think?*
> * *
> *Best regards,*
> *Jonathan.*
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Cassidy R. Sugimoto, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University Bloomington
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