[SigLT-L] CFP IEEE SITIS 2014: submission deadline approaching (22 September 2014)
Richard Chbeir
Richard.Chbeir at u-bourgogne.fr
Tue Sep 9 09:06:02 EDT 2014
Apologies for multiple diffusions
Submission deadline : !!! September 22, 2014 !!!
Apologies for multiple postings
The 10th International Conference on
November 23 - 27, 2014
In cooperation with ACM SIGAPP French Chapter
and IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing
Hotel Semiramis, Marrakesh, Morocco
The focus of the track titled "Web Computing and Applications (WeCA)" is on
emerging and novel concepts,architectures,technologies, and methodologies for
information management related to the Web and cloud computing. In essence, the
Web, with its different versions, has created an interconnected world in which
information can be exchanged easily, tasks can be processed collaboratively,
communities of users with similarly interests can be formed to achieve
efficiency and improve performance, etc. Taking full advantage of these
interconnected environments to meet the ever increasing needs of emerging
applications requires solutions that address new issues and challenges.
The track calls for research papers and reports related, but not limited,
to the following topics: Data semantics
†Conceptual Data Modeling
†Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
†Evolution and Change
†Semantic Caching
†Data Warehousing and Semantic
†Semantics in Data Visualization
†Semantic Services for Mobile Users
†Applications of Semantic-Driven Approaches
Web-Centric Systems
†Semantic Web
†Social media and networking
†Web Services and Service Computing
†Hypermedia and Adaptation
†E-Commerce, E-government, and E-Learning
†Web/Data Mining
†Machine Learning
Big Data
†Foundations and computation
†Infrastructure and platforms
†Data preservation and provenance
†Search and Mining
†Computational Modeling and Data Integration
†Link and Graph Mining
†Multimedia and Multi-structured Data
†Big Data and Social Media
Information System Interoperability
†Digital Libraries
†Semantic Interoperability and Semantic Mediators
†Ontologies Based Systems
†Contextual Reasoning in Distributed Ontologies
†Architectures and platforms††
†Mobile Clouds
†Storage, Data, and Analytics Clouds
†Migration, Management, and Quality
†Composition, Federation, and Integration Resource Virtualization and Composition
†High Performance Cloud Computing
†Programming Models and Paradigms
†Green Computing
†Innovative Applications and Experiences
†Computing Consulting
Cooperative information and Distributed Systems
†Information Sharing
†Grid/cloud Applications
†Peer To Peer Computing and Applications
†Knowledge and Semantic Grid
†Semantics of Peer Data Management Systems
†Mobile Information Systems and Computing
Multimedia and application
†Image and Video Databases
†Image and Video Indexing and Retrieval
†Emergent Semantics in Content Retrieval Systems
†Semantics and Meta Data in Multimedia Systems
†Content-Based Indexing, Search, and Retrieval
†Multimedia Data Modeling and Visualization†
†Tools, Benchmarks, Evaluation Protocols and Standard
Information security†
†Security Modeling and Access Control Protocol†
†Intrusion Avoidance, Detection, and Response†
†Web Security and Supporting Systems Security†
†Denial of Service: Attacks and Countermeasures
†Intellectual Property Protection†
†Fundamental Services on Network and Distributed Systems
†Security and Privacy for Emerging Technologies
†Trust based systems
Submission and publication
The conference will include keynote addresses, tutorials, and regular†and
workshop sessions. SITISí14 invites submission of high quality and original
papers on the topics listed above.† All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed
by at least two reviewers†for technical merit, originality, significance and
relevance to track topics. Papers must be up to 8 pages and follow IEEE double
columns†publication format. Paper submission will only be online via: SITIS 2014
submission site. The online system will be used to handle and process all papers
and to prepare for the final proceedings.
Accepted papers will be included in the†conference proceedings and published by
IEEE Computer Society and referenced in IEEE explore and major indexes.
Important dates
* Paper Submission: September 22, 2014
* Acceptance/Reject notification: October 10, 2014
* Camera ready: October 15, 2014
* Author registration: October 19, 2014
Track Chairs
Rim Faiz, IHEC, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Gayo Diallo, ISPED, University of Bordeaux, France
Peter Eklund, University of Wollongong, Australia
Local Organizing Committee
Abdelaziz El Fazziki, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco (Chair)
Mohammed Sadgal, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco
El Hassan Abdelwahed, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco
Mehdi Najib, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco
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