[Sigifp-l] Prof. Donald Lamberton RIP

Michel Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Thu Jul 16 10:02:01 EDT 2015

A couple of weeks ago I learned that Professor Donald Lamberton had 
passed away on 28 November 2014, aged 87.
We had lost track of each other over the past couple of year.
Those not familiar with the trajectory of this unorthodox and 
influential thinker and economist might wish to refer to the transcript 
of his interview by John Lodewijks, ‘Professor of foresight: an 
interview with Donald Lamberton’, /Journal of Economic and Social 
Policy/, 11, 2, article 5, available at 
His "Penguin book",/The Economics of Information and Knowledge/, 
published in 1971 has significantly contributed to the difficult 
cross-breeding of economics and information science.
While holding firm on his rural Australia roots, Donald Lamberton 
endeavoured a truly international career, and, more importantly, vision.
He was a unique mind and a dedicated mentor.
A more informed obituary by Stuart Macdonald will soon appear in 
Prometheus the journal that Don founded and ran for some 32 years.
Michel Menou
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