[Sigifp-l] Fwd: Sigiii-l Digest, Vol 112, Issue 1
Brandi Loveday
blloveday at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 09:27:08 EST 2014
Forgive cross posts, if applicable!
If any member of SIG IFP is interested in SIG IFP sponsoring a panel
proposal for AM 2014, please contact the current Chair, Kristene Unsworth
at ku26 at Drexel.edu.
Deadlines are quickly approaching and SIG IFP would love to be a part of
your endeavors.
Thank you!
---------- Forwarded------------
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Open Repositories Conference Update: OR2014 Proposal Deadline
> Extended (Imma Subirats)
> 2. CFP ASIS&T 2014 (Richard Hill)
> 3. ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci'14), June 23-26, 2014
> (Jared Lorince)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 09:54:22 +0100
> From: Imma Subirats <imma.subirats at gmail.com>
> To: sigiii-l at asis.org
> Subject: [Sigiii-l] Open Repositories Conference Update: OR2014
> Proposal Deadline Extended
> Message-ID:
> <
CACPP30_y55j9qA6PpQoYO_J7joNhPCCDJwTpW6+w6V3Dy1PPig at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Open Repositories Conference Update: OR2014 Proposal Deadline Extended
> A message from the Open Repositories 2014 Conference organizers
> Helsinki, Finland. The final deadline for submitting proposals for the
> Ninth International Conference on Open Repositories (#or2014) has been
> extended until Monday, Feb. 10, 2014. The conference is scheduled to
> take place June 9-13 in Helsinki and is being hosted by University of
> Helsinki's twin libraries: Helsinki University Library and the
> National Library of Finland.
> The theme this year is "Towards Repository Ecosystems" emphasizing the
> interconnected nature of repositories, institutions, technologies,
> data and the people who make it all work together. You may review the
> call for proposals here: http://or2014.helsinki.fi/?page_id=281.
> This year the Open Repositories team will be operating a pilot
> programme to offer a small number of 'registration fee only'
> scholarships for this conference. Details will be announced on the
> conference website when registration opens.
> Submit your proposal here: https://www.conftool.com/or2014/ by Feb. 10,
> We look forward to seeing you at OR2014!
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 15:16:42 -0500
> From: "Richard Hill" <rhill at asis.org>
> To: sigiii-l at asis.org
> Subject: [Sigiii-l] CFP ASIS&T 2014
> Message-ID: <388-220141430201642713 at LEN-dick-2011>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Connecting Collections, Cultures, and Communities
> 77th ASIST Annual Meeting
> October 31 - November 4, 2014
> Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA
> http://www.asis.org/asist2014/
> SUBMISDSION URL: https://www.conftool.pro/asist2014/index.php?page=login
> The Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and
Technology is the premier international conference dedicated to the study
of information, people, and technology in contemporary society. The ASIST
AM gathers leading scholars and practitioners from around the globe to
share innovations, ideas, research, and insights into the state and future
of information and communication in play, work, governance, and society.
> ASIST AM has an established record for pushing the boundaries of
information studies, exploring core concepts and ideas, and creating new
technological and conceptual configurations -- all situated in
interdisciplinary discourses.
> The conference welcomes contributions from all areas of information
science and technology. The conference celebrates plurality in methods,
theories and conceptual frameworks and has historically presented research
and development from a broad spectrum of domains, as encapsulated in
ASIST's many special interest groups: Arts & Humanities; Bioinformatics;
Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts; Classification Research; Critical Issues; Digital
Libraries; Education for Information Science; Health Informatics; History &
Foundations of Information Science; Human Computer Interaction; Information
Architecture; Information Needs, Seeking and Use; Information Policy;
International Information Issues; Knowledge Management; Library
Technologies; Management; Metrics; Scientific & Technical Information;
Social Informatics; and Visualization, Images & Sound.
> Important Dates
> Papers, Panels, and Workshops:
> Submissions: April 30th
> Notifications: June 11th
> Final copies: July 15th
> Posters:
> Submissions: July 1th
> Notifications: July 30th
> Final copies: August 20th
> (All deadlines: midnight,
> Hawaii Standard Time)
> .
> Richard Hill
> Executive Director
> Association for Information Science and Technology
> 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
> Silver Spring, MD 20910
> FAX: (301) 495-0810
> (301) 495-0900
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2014 12:20:42 -0500
> From: Jared Lorince <jlorince at indiana.edu>
> To: sigiii-l at asis.org
> Subject: [Sigiii-l] ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci'14), June
> 23-26, 2014
> Message-ID:
> <
CAOi7Ww+6Tr6b7dASDVRHF1pgR1eg76N2O-oaq9cPUvLi-hExdA at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> *** Apologies for multiple postings ***
> ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci'14), June 23-26, 2014
> Bloomington, Indiana, USA
> websci14.org / @WebSciConf / #WebSci14
> Deadline for papers: Feb. 23rd 2014
> Web Science is the emergent science of the people, organizations,
> applications, and of policies that shape and are shaped by the Web,
> the largest informational artifact constructed by humans in history.
> Web Science embraces the study of the Web as a vast universal
> information network of people and communities. As such, Web Science
> includes the study of social networks whose work, expression, and play
> take place on the Web. The social sciences and computational sciences
> meet in Web Science and complement one another: Studying human
> behavior and social interaction contributes to our understanding of
> the Web, while Web data is transforming how social science is
> conducted. The Web presents us with a great opportunity as well as an
> obligation: If we are to ensure the Web benefits humanity we must do
> our best to understand it.
> Call for Papers
> The Web Science conference is inherently interdisciplinary, as it
> attempts to integrate computer and information sciences,
> communication, linguistics, sociology, psychology, economics, law,
> political science, philosophy, digital humanities, and other
> disciplines in pursuit of an understanding of the Web. This
> conference is unique in the manner in which it brings these
> disciplines together in creative and critical dialogue, and we invite
> papers from all the above disciplines, and in particular those that
> cross traditional disciplinary boundaries.
> Following the success of WebSci'09 in Athens, WebSci'10 in Raleigh,
> WebSci'11 in Koblenz, WebSci '12 in Evanston, and WebSci'13 in Paris,
> for the 2014 conference we are seeking papers and posters that
> describe original research, analysis, and practice in the field of Web
> Science, as well as work that discusses novel and thought-provoking
> ideas and works-in-progress.
> Possible topics for submissions include, but are not limited to, the
> following:
> * Analysis of human behavior using social media, mobile devices, and
> online communities
> * Methodological challenges of analyzing Web-based
> * large-scale social interaction
> * Data-mining and network analysis of the Web and human communities on
> the Web
> * Detailed studies of micro-level processes and interactions
> * on the Web
> * Collective intelligence, collaborative production, and social
> computing
> * Theories and methods for computational social science on the Web
> * Studies of public health and health-related behavior on the Web
> * The architecture and philosophy of the Web
> * The intersection of design and human interaction on the Web
> * Economics and social innovation on the Web
> * Governance, democracy, intellectual property, and the commons
> * Personal data, trust, and privacy
> * Web and social media research ethics
> * Studies of Linked Data, the Cloud, and digital eco-systems
> * Big data and the study of the Web
> * Web access, literacy, and development
> * Knowledge, education, and scholarship on and through the Web
> * People-driven Web technologies, including crowd-sourcing, open data,
> and new interfaces
> * Digital humanities
> * Arts & culture on the Web or engaging audiences using Web resources
> * Web archiving techniques and scholarly uses of Web archives
> * New research questions and thought-provoking ideas
> Submission
> Web Science is necessarily a very selective single track conference
> with a rigorous review process. To accommodate the distinct traditions
> of its many disciplines, we provide three different submission
> formats: full papers, short papers, and posters. For all types of
> submissions, inclusion in the ACM DL proceedings will be by default,
> but not mandatory (opt-out via EasyChair). All accepted research
> papers (full and short papers) will be presented during the
> single-track conference. All accepted posters will be given a spot in
> the single-track lightning talk session, and room to present their
> papers during a dedicated poster session.
> Full research papers (5 to 10 pages, ACM double column, 20 mins
> presentation including Q&A)
> Full research papers should present new results and original work that
> has not been previously published. Research papers should present
> substantial theoretical, empirical, methodological, or policy-oriented
> contributions to research and/or practice.
> Short research papers (up to 5 pages, ACM double column, 15 mins
> presentation including Q&A)
> Short research papers should present new results and original work
> that has not been previously published. Research papers can present
> preliminary theoretical, empirical, methodological, or policy-oriented
> contributions to research and/or practice.
> Posters (up to 2 pages, ACM double column, lightning talk + poster
> presentation)
> Extended abstracts for posters, which should be in English, can be up
> to 2 pages.
> Submission instructions
> Full and short paper and poster submissions should be formatted
> according to the official ACM SIG proceedings template
> (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). Please
> make use of the ACM 1998 classification scheme
> (http://www.acm.org/about/class/1998/), and submit papers using
> EasyChair at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=websci2014.
> Other creative submission formats (flexible formats)
> Other types of creative submissions are also encouraged, and the exact
> format and style of presentation are open. Examples might include
> artistic performances or installations, interactive exhibits,
> demonstrations, or other creative formats. For these submissions, the
> proposers should make clear both what they propose to do, and any
> special requirements they would need to successfully do it (in terms
> of space, time, technology, etc.)
> Review
> The Web Science program committee consists of a program committee that
> covers all relevant areas of Web Science. Each submission will be
> refereed by three PC members and one short meta review written by a
> Co-PC chair, to cover both the research background of each submission
> as well as the necessary interdisciplinary aspects.
> (Optional) Archival Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library
> All accepted papers and posters will by default appear in the Web
> Science 2014 Conference Proceedings and can also be made available
> through the ACM Digital Library, in the same length and format of the
> submission unless indicated otherwise (those wishing not to be indexed
> and archived can "opt out" of the proceedings).
> Satellite Events
> The following is the list of accepted satellite events. All workshops
> will be held on June 23.
> Full day events
> Altmetrics14 - Expanding Impacts and Metrics
> http://altmetrics.org/altmetrics14
> Judit Bar-Ilan, Rodrigo Costas, Paul Groth, Stefanie Haustein, Vincent
> Lariviere, Isabella Peters and Mike Taylor
> Massive Data Flow: Understanding the Complex Dynamics of the Web
> Seth Bullock, Takashi Ikegami and Mizuki Oka
> Computational Approaches to Social Modeling (ChASM)
> http://www.chasm.ws
> Andrea Baronchelli, Bruno Goncalves, Nicola Perra, Claudia Wagner,
> Markus Strohmaier, Noshir Contractor, and Emilio Ferrara
> The web of scientific knowledge: current trends and future
> perspectives in the big data era Filippo Radicchi, Stasa Milosevic,
> Ying Ding, Cassidy Sugimoto, Vincent Leriviere, and Min Song Yonsei
> Doctoral Consortium
> Howard Rosenbaum, Pnina Fichman, Lora Aroyo
> Half-day events
> Interdisciplinary Coups to Calamities
> http://www.icc.ecs.soton.ac.uk
> Clare J. Hooper, David Millard and Norhidayah Azman
> Web Science Education: Sharing experiences and developing community
> http://webscience-education-workshop.net
> Stephane B. Bazan, Su White, Steffen Staab, Michalis Vafopoulos, Susan
> Halford, Clare Hooper, Hans Akkermans and Mark Weal
> Research Methodologies for analyzing Cybercrime and Cyberwar
> http://webscience-cybercrime-workshop.net
> Dominic Hobson, Neil Macewan, Lisa Sugiura, Stephane B. Bazan and
> Craig Webber
> 2nd International Workshop on Building Web Observatories (B-WOW2014)
> https://sites.google.com/site/bwow2014
> Ramine Tinati, Thanassis Tiropanis, Ian Brown and Wendy Hall
> Deadlines
> Full & Short Papers:
> * 23 February 2014: Submissions of full and short papers
> * 13 April 2014: Notification of acceptance for papers
> * 11 May 2014: Camera-ready version of papers and posters due
> Late Breaking Posters:
> * 23 March 2014: Submissions of posters
> * 13 April 2014: Notification of acceptance for posters
> * 11 May 2014: Camera-ready version of posters due
> Authors take note: The official publication date is the date the
> proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date
> may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The
> official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings
> related to published work. (If proceedings are published in the ACM
> Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication
> date is the first day of the conference.)
> Conference calendar and rough program
> * 23 June 2014: workshops, opening reception and keynote
> * 24 June 2014: keynote(s), technical program, poster reception
> * 25 June 2014: keynote(s), technical program, social event
> * 26 June 2014: keynote, technical program, closing
> General chairs
> * Fil Menczer, Indiana University
> * Jim Hendler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
> * Bill Dutton, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
> Program chairs
> * Markus Strohmaier, University of Koblenz and GESIS (Computing)
> * Ciro Cattuto, ISI Foundation (Physics)
> * Eric T. Meyer, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
> (Social Sciences)
> Program Commiteee
> * Yong-Yeol Ahn, Indiana University
> * Luca Maria Aiello, Yahoo! Research
> * William Allen, University of Oxford
> * Sitaram Asur, HP Labs
> * Alain Barrat, CNRS
> * Fabricio Benevenuto, Federal University of Minas Gerais
> * Mark Bernstein, Eastgate Systems, Inc
> * Paolo Boldi, Universita degli Studi di Milano
> * Niels Brugger, Aarhus Universitet
> * Licia Capra, University College London
> * Carlos Castillo, Qatar Computing Research Institute
> * Lu Chen, Wright State University
> * Cristobal Cobo, Oxford Internet Institute
> * David Crandall, Indiana University
> * Pasquale De Meo, VU University, Amsterdam
> * David De Roure, Oxford e-Research Centre
> * Pnina Fichman, Indiana University
> * Alessandro Flammini, Indiana University
> * Matteo Gagliolo, Universite libre de Bruxelles
> * Laetitia Gauvin, ISI Foundation, Turin
> * Daniel Gayo Avello, University of Oviedo
> * Scott Golder, Cornell University
> * Bruno Goncalves, Aix-Marseille Universite
> * Andrew Gordon, University of Southern California
> * Scott Hale, Oxford Internet Institute
> * Noriko Hara, Indiana University
> * Bernhard Haslhofer, University of Vienna
> * Andreas Hotho, University of Wuerzburg
> * Geert-Jan Houben, TU Delft
> * Jeremy Hunsinger, Wilfrid Laurier University
> * Ajita John, Avaya Labs
> * Robert Jaschke, L3S Research Center
> * Haewoon Kwak, Telefonica Research
> * Renaud Lambiotte, University of Namur
> * Matthieu Latapy, CNRS
> * Silvio Lattanzi, Google
> * Vili Lehdonvirta, Oxford Internet Institute
> * Sune Lehmann, Technical University of Denmark
> * Kristina Lerman, University of Southern California
> * David Liben-Nowell, Carleton College
> * Yu-Ru Lin, University of Pittsburgh
> * Huan Liu, Arizona State University
> * Jared Lorince, Indiana University
> * Mathias Lux, Klagenfurt University
> * Massimo Marchiori, University of Padova and UTILABS
> * Yutaka Matsuo, University of Tokyo
> * Jaimie Murdock, Indiana University
> * Mirco Musolesi, University of Birmingham
> * Eni Mustafaraj, Wellesley College
> * Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S and University of Hannover
> * Andre Panisson, ISI Foundation, Turin
> * Hanwoo Park, Yeungnam University
> * Fernando Pedone, University of Lugano
> * Leto Peel, University of Colorado, Boulder
> * Orion Penner, IMT Lucca
> * Nicola Perra, Northeastern University
> * Rob Procter, University of Warwick
> * Cornelius Puschmann, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet
> and Society
> * Daniele Quercia, Yahoo! Labs
> * Carlos P. Roca, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
> * Richard Rogers, University of Amsterdam
> * Daniel Romero, Northwestern University
> * Matthew Rowe, Lancaster University
> * Giancarlo Ruffo, Universita di Torino
> * Derek Ruths, McGill University
> * Rossano Schifanella, Universita di Torino
> * Ralph Schroeder, Oxford Internet Institute
> * Kalpana Shankar, University College Dublin
> * Xiaolin Shi, Microsoft
> * Elena Simperl, University of Southampton
> * Philipp Singer, Knowledge Management Institute
> * Marc Smith, Connected Action Consulting Group
> * Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz-Landau
> * Burkhard Stiller, University of Zurich
> * Lei Tang, @WalmartLabs
> * Loren Terveen, University of Minnesota
> * Sebastiano Vigna, Universita degli Studi di Milano
> * Claudia Wagner, GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
> * Jillian Wallis, UC Los Angeles
> * Stan Wasserman, Indiana University
> * Ingmar Weber, Qatar Computing Research Institute
> * Matthew Weber, Rutgers University
> * Lilian Weng, Indiana University
> * Christopher Wienberg, University of Southern California
> * Ben Zhao, UC Santa Barbara
> * Arkaitz Zubiaga, Dublin Institute of Technology Arkaitz Zubiaga,
> * Dublin Institute of Technology
> --
> Jared Lorince
> PhD student, ABC West Lab
> Cognitive Science // Psychological & Brain Sciences
> Indiana University, Bloomington
> https://mypage.iu.edu/~jlorince
> Co-Founder, motivateplay.com
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> End of Sigiii-l Digest, Vol 112, Issue 1
> ****************************************
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