[Sigifp-l] Fwd: 2014 ASIS&T Annual Meeting Call for Student Volunteers!

Brandi Loveday blloveday at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 11:58:22 EDT 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "2014 ASIS&T Annual Meeting" <meetings at asis.org>
Date: Aug 8, 2014 11:15 AM
Subject: 2014 ASIS&T Annual Meeting Call for Student Volunteers!
To: <blloveday at gmail.com>

 *Respond by August 15, 2014*

 To help ASIS&T student members who might not otherwise be able to
participate in ASIS&T meetings, we provide an opportunity to attend the
sessions and network with other members in exchange for assisting us in
running the meeting.  Students who have participated in our program have
found the experience to be terrific!

 *How the Program Works*:

 In exchange for complimentary registration, we will ask *15* ASIS&T
student members to help us run the conference.  They will serve as room
monitors for about three sessions each day for three days (the 2nd - 4th).
In addition, they will help out either at our registration desk or
conference headquarters for a 4-hour period on one day of the conference.
We've listed below some of the activities that you are expected to perform
as part of the program.

 1.          *Monitoring Sessions*:

Monitoring involves assisting the speakers and moderators, checking for
name tags at the door, ensuring that the necessary AV equipment is on hand,
encouraging participants to complete evaluation forms, and generally
helping makes the session go smoothly. Additionally, you will be expected
to smile and be friendly!

  2.           *Registration*:

              Registration assistance involves facilitating the
registration process, keeping a record of registrants, handing out
materials, etc.

 *How to Participate*:

If you would like to be considered for the 2014 Annual Meeting to be held
October 31 - November 5 in Seattle, Washington and are sure of your
availability for the duration of the conference, please forward your name
and e-mail address to: saddo at asis.org.

*There are a limited number of positions  available. Applications are
considered on a first come first served basis, so be sure to let us know of
your interest by August 15, 2014.  *

Thank you!

Stephan Addo

Association for Information Science & Technology

8555 16th Street, Ste. 850

Silver Spring, MD 20910

PH: 301-495-0900 FAX: 301-495-0810

saddo at asis.org

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