[Sigifp-l] New Issue of Government Information Quarterly
John Bertot
jbertot at fsu.edu
Mon Jun 20 11:18:14 EDT 2005
Members of ASIS-L and SIGIFP-L may be interested in the below.
The editors (see below) of _Government Information Quarterly: An
International Journal of Information and Technology Management, Policies,
and Practices_ are pleased to announce the release of Volume 22, number 2
(2005). The issue contains a number of articles that explore issues and
strategies related to international information policies, practices,
technology management, and e-government.
Issue 4 content includes:
Google and government documents
Maggie Farrell
Informing the nation: the future of librarianship and government information
John A. Shuler
Constructing consensus: Homeland security as a symbol of government politics
and administration
Terrence A. Maxwell
Fighting terrorism, making war: Critical insights in the management of
information and intelligence
Bruce W. Dearstyne
E-government success factors: Mapping practical tools to theoretical
J. Ramón Gil-García and Theresa A. Pardo
E-government developments on delivering public services among EU cities
Lourdes Torres, Vicente Pina and Basilio Acerete
E-government: A global view and an empirical evaluation of some attributes
of citizens
Ibrahim Akman, Ali Yazici, Alok Mishra and Ali Arifoglu
Citizens access to on-line governmental financial information: Practices in
the European Union countries
Carmen Caba Pérez, Antonio M. López Hernández and Manuel Pedro Rodríguez
Assessing the authoritativeness of Canadian and American health documents: a
comparative analysis using informetric methodologies
Frank Lambert
The positive benefits of electronic records management in the context of
enterprise content management
J. Timothy Sprehe
In: K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, Editors, Encyclopedia of
Espionage, Intelligence, and Security , Thompson Gale, Farmington Hills
(2004) ISBN 1-7876-7546-6 (set) V. 1, xxi, 424 pp., V.2 xxi, 432 pp., V.3
436 pp. $325.00 (cloth).
Ben Amata
In: Colin J. Bennett and Charles D. Raab, Editors, The Governance of
Privacy: Policy Instruments in Global Perspective , Ashgate, Hampshire,
England (2003) ISBN 1-85521-473-3 257 pp. $89.95 (cloth).
John A. Shuler
In: Amanda Lenhart, Editor, The Ever-Shifting Internet Population: A New
Look At Internet Access and the Digital Divide , The Pew Internet & American
Life Project, Washington, DC (2003) .
Marcy M. Allen
United States Department of Justice home page
In: Martha Fransworth Riche and Deirdre A. Gaquin, Editors, Who, What, and
Where of America: Understanding the Census Results xxxvi , Bernan Press,
Lanham, MD (2003) ISBN 0-89059-763-4, p. 1123 127 pp. $95.00 (cloth).
Ben Amata
Kenneth Prewitt, Politics and Science in Census Taking, Russell Sage
Foundation, New York (2003) 44 pp. LCCN: 2004-300158. $10.95.
Julie Linden
In: Deirdre A. Gaquin and Katherine A. Debrandt, Editors, Almanac of
American Education 2004 , Bernan Press, Lanham, MD (2003) ISBN 0-89059-896-7
366 pp. $49.00.
Susan Kendall
In: Alan Bjerga, Editor, The Almanac of the Unelected: Staff of the U.S.
Congress , Bernan Press, Lanham, MD (2004) ISBN 0890598614 682pp. $275.00
Mae N. Schreiber
Government Information Quarterly is a quarterly publication of Elsevier
Science. The journal explores such topics as information and
telecommunications policy; access to and use of government information;
information technology management, implementation, planning, and evaluation;
information services development, management, and provision in a distributed
networked environment; e-commerce in governments; service quality
assessment, benchmarking, and performance measurement; and, governing and
governance in a networked environment. GIQ articles are available through
ScienceDirect at http://www.sciencedirect.com.
Additional information regarding the journal and journal submissions is
available at: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/govinf.
John Carlo Bertot <jbertot at fsu.edu>, School of Information Studies, Florida
State University serves as the journal editor.
Charles R. McClure <cmcclure at lis.fsu.edu>, School of Information Studies,
Florida State University serves as the journal associate editor.
John A. Shuler <alfred at uic.edu>, Documents, Maps, Microforms, & Curriculum
Department, University of Illinois Chicago serves as the journal assistant
Aimee C. Quinn <aquinn at uic.edu>, Government Documents Department, University
of Illinois Chicago serves as the journal reviews editor.
* John Carlo Bertot, Ph.D. Phone: (850) 644-8118 *
* Professor Fax: (850) 644-4522 *
* School of Information Studies Email: jbertot at fsu.edu *
* Florida State University http://slis-two.lis.fsu.edu/~jcbertot *
* 101 Shores Building *
* Tallahassee, FL 32306-2100 *
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