[Sigifp-l] SIG-IFP Chair Letter
John Gathegi
jgathegi at slis-two.lis.fsu.edu
Mon Feb 7 13:49:59 EST 2005
Dear SIG-IFP members:
I am very pleased to make this initial communication with the
membership, since becoming the chair, recently. I look forward to a very
exciting and productive year for our SIG, and a lot of interesting ideas
from the membership on the directions we should be taking this very
important SIG! In this communication, I only wanted to update you on a
couple of items:
First item: we now have a slate of volunteers to help run the affairs of
the SIG, and it as follows:
Chair: John N. Gathegi (Florida State University) jgathegi at lis.fsu.edu
<mailto:jgathegi at lis.fsu.edu>
Secretary/Treasurer: Jeffrey Forrest (Metropolitan State College of
Denver) forrestj at mscd.edu <mailto:forrestj at mscd.edu>
Web Manager: Susan Maze (William Woods University)
SMaze at williamwoods.edu <mailto:SMaze at williamwoods.edu>
Newsletter: Anastasis D. Petrou (London)
anastasis.petrou at btinternet.com <mailto:anastasis.petrou at btinternet.com>
Correspondents - Cindy Campbell (California Lutheran University)
ccampbel at clunet.edu <mailto:ccampbel at clunet.edu>
Susan Maze has already started work on a web page, and soon SIG-IFP will
have its very own web presence! I am still waiting for responses from
some members who had indicated an interest in becoming correspondents,
and you are welcome to let me know if you are interested. You will in
the future be getting updates from Anastasis Petrou, who is creating a
newsletter for us!
Second item: We have co-sponsored a couple of panel proposals for the
2005 Conference in N.C. and will let you know as soon as we find out
their status. These are as follows:
Panel: Information Law, Policy and Ethics in the Era of Globalization
Organizers: Kendra Albright and John N. Gathegi
Panelists: Tomas Lipinski; Johannes Britz; John N. Gathegi; Bharat Mehra
Moderator: Kendra Albright
Co-sponsors: SIG-III, SIG-IFP
Panel: Neutrality of Technology
Organizers: Kalpana Shankar and Nadia Caidi
Panelists: Marija Dalbello; Kalpana Shankar; Nadia Caidi; Thomas Froehlich
Moderator: Martha Smith
May we look forward to a wonderful 2005 and beyond!
John N. Gathegi, PhD, JD
Associate Professor
College of Information
The Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
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