[Sigifp-l] Information Literacy Meeting of Experts, Prague, the Czech Republic, September 20-23, 2003

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Tue Nov 4 13:44:46 EST 2003

[Forwarded from Woody Horton.  Dick Hill]

I am delighted to advise you that, after two postponements, the Information 
Literacy Meeting of Experts finally took place in Prague, the Czech 
Republic, September 20-23, 2003, and was an outstanding success.  Over 40 
experts from 23 different countries representing all seven major geographic 
regions, attended.  Charles University served as the host institution, and 
the meeting was held at its conference hotel, the Krystal Hotel.

You'll recall NCLIS and the National Forum on Information Literacy (NFIL) 
were the primary organizers of this meeting, with the active support and 
participation of UNESCO.  Here is a link to the UNESCO press release on the 


Currently UNESCO and the other organizers are considering plans for a 
larger, international conference on information literacy, which the Prague 
participants recommended be held in the first half of 2005.  However no 
decisions have thus far been reached.

Additional details of the Prague meeting, including a document which the 
participants jointly authored entitled "The Prague Declaration: Towards an 
Information Literate Society,"  and other key documents as they become 
available, can be viewed at the NCLIS site:



Woody Horton
U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS)
1110 Vermont Avenue, NW; Suite 820
Washington, DC  20005
whorton at nclis.gov

Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD  20910
FAX: (301) 495-0810
PHONE: (301) 495-0900


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