[Sigifp-l] Information Policy Post 11/27
TAMaxwell at aol.com
TAMaxwell at aol.com
Thu Nov 28 08:44:53 EST 2002
Homeland Security Bill Threatens Privacy; CDT Pursues Oversight and
Legislation to create the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is
nearing passage -- the House passed the bill on November 13 and the Senate
is likely to follow suit on November 19 -- but the new Department's
considerable authority for data collection and analysis raises numerous
privacy concerns.
CDT Opposes Government Computer Security Mandates; WH Seeks Ongoing
The federal government's strategy for securing cyberspace properly avoids
government regulation of the private sector entities that own and operate
the communications networks and other critical infrastructures of the
Pentagon to Track American Consumer Purchases.
Follow-up to last week - A massive database that the government will use to
monitor every purchase made by every American citizen is a necessary tool in
the war on terror.
Agency Weighed, but Discarded, Plan Reconfiguring the Internet.
The Pentagon considered but rejected another surveillance idea: tagging
Internet data with unique personal markers to make anonymous use of some
parts of the Internet impossible.
Epic Alert.
Volume 9.23, 19 November 2002
[1] Public Protest Over Pentagon Surveillance System Mounts
[2] Appeals Court Permits Broader Electronic Surveillance
[3] Homeland Security Bill Limits Open Government
[4] Circuit Court Approves Faxed Warrants
[5] DC City Council Attacks Camera System, Adopts Regulations
[6] California Passes Database Privacy Legislation
Academy Seizes Computers From Nearly 100 Midshipmen.
Officials at the Naval Academy have seized nearly 100 midshipmen's computers
that allegedly contained illegally downloaded music and movies.
An Antitrust Rule for Software Integration.
This paper asks -What is the proper legal standard for product integration
involving software?- And suggests that -The Supreme Court's existing
antitrust rules on tying arrangements are inappropriate.-
Cuban Opposition Group Campaigns to Promote the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights
<http://www.dfn.org/news/cuba/promote-udhr.htm >
The launch of the Campaign to Promote the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR) in Cuba will test the government's tolerance of civil society
and pro-democracy movements within the country.
Silenced voices: Siamak Pourzand
This monthly column about imprisoned authors focuses on the Iranian Siamak
Pourzand who was held incommunicado for months, and then sentenced to 11
years imprisonment for -undermining state security through links with
monarchists and counter-revolutionaries-.
CDT Policy Post.
Volume 8, Number 25, November 21, 2002
(1) New Law to Require Privacy Impact Assessments for U.S. Agencies
(2) Privacy Notices, Including P3P Statements, Now Required for Agencies
(3) E-Government Act Includes Other Important Provisions
CDT Policy Post.
Volume 8, Number 26, November 25, 2002
(1) CDT and infoDev Publish E-Government Handbook for Developing Countries
(2) Handbook Outlines Three Phases of E-government and Its Transformative
(3) Online Version Highlights E-Government Resources
Is It Time For a GeekPAC?
Geeks are beginning to realize they need to punish the Luddites in Congress
who are standing in the way of progress.
Compiled by Dylan Thomarie
For information, contact:
Terrence Maxwell
Assistant Professor
School of Information Science and Policy
University at Albany
113D Draper, Albany, NY 12222
e-mail: tamaxwell at albany.edu
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