[Sigia-l] CFP: Games on Games. Game design as critical reflexive practice
Luca Rosati
lucarosati at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 05:51:27 EDT 2015
Dear subscribers,
as the semester starts, G|A|M|E Journal (www.gamejournal.it <http://www.gamejournal.it/> - ISSN:2280-7705) would like to remind you about the upcoming CfP 5/2016 entitled "Games on Games. Game design as critical reflexive practice". Read it at http://www.gamejournal.it/n-52016-games-on-games-game-design-as-critical-reflexive-practice/ <http://www.gamejournal.it/n-52016-games-on-games-game-design-as-critical-reflexive-practice/>
October 5th is the deadline for 500-words proposals for articles. Accepted complete papers will be due on February 20th, 2016. G|A|M|E also invites the submission of playable demos (same deadline: October 5th, 2015).
G|A|M|E Journal (www.gamejournal.it <http://www.gamejournal.it/> - ISSN:2280-7705) invites the submission of analyses and reflections about the possibility (or lack thereof) of creating playable critiques of video games and of game culture at large. With this topic, G|A|M|E aims at exploring the feasibility of a playable game criticism – a meta-level in which playing, designing and critiquing overlap.
What are the defining characteristics of Games on Games? What is the relationship between Games on Games and their precursors? What are their epistemological bases? How can we situate Games on Games in the academic world, in relation to more traditional analyses expressed in linear media? Which theoretical contributions could Games on Games offer to designers and researchers?
Those who wish to contribute written essays will have to submit a 500-words abstract by October 5th, 2015. Those who wish to propose a playable game will have to send a 500-words executive brief, possibly with screenshots, diagrams and/or a playable demo, by October 5th, 2015.
Notification of acceptance, for essays and games: November 5th, 2015. All accepted authors will be asked to submit the full paper and/or full game by February 20th, 2016. Those submitting a game will also need to produce an author’s statement/critical introduction to their piece (about 3000 characters).
Best regards,The editors of G|A|M|E n.5/2016
Giovanni Caruso, Riccardo Fassone, Gabriele Ferri, Stefano Gualeni, Mauro Salvador
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