[Sigia-l] 60+ Graduate-Level Courses Offered through i.School Open Classes Program at San Jose State - Sign Up Today!

Nicole Purviance nicole.purviance at sjsu.edu
Tue Jul 15 13:24:20 EDT 2014

Update Your Knowledge and Expand Your Professional Opportunities 


There's just about one week left to sign up for courses offered in the
exclusively online i.School Open Classes
<http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/programs/ischool-open-classes>  program at the San
Jose State University School of Library and Information Science.


If you are looking for professional development opportunities that fit your
interests and learning objectives, we encourage you to review the fall 2014
course list
14-course-list> . There are more than 60 graduate-level courses covering a
variety of topics. And all the courses offer an in-depth learning experience
that can help you address workplace challenges. Plus, you'll earn college


As stated by Jessica Berger who participated in the Open Classes program
this summer, "The i.School Open Classes program is incredible. In just these
few weeks, the course work is already helping me improve my skills as a
librarian assistant."


Choose courses in any of the following areas:

*	Developing and Managing Information Systems and Web Applications
*	Information Assurance, Big Data, Informatics, and Information
*	Leadership and Management
*	Managing, Preserving, and Curating Digital Assets, Records, and
Other Cultural Heritage Artifacts
*	Information Organization and Retrieval
*	Information Intermediation and Instruction
*	Library Services for Children and Young Adults
*	Courses Covering Specific Library Environments
*	Research and Program Evaluation
*	Language and Culture for Information Professionals


The deadline to sign up
es-fall-2014-sign-form>  for fall classes is July 23, and a school
representative will contact you to confirm enrollment by August 6. Fall
session courses run from August 25 through December 18, 2014.


Open Classes courses are electives offered in our school's Master of Library
and Information Science (MLIS)
s>  program, which is fully accredited
by the American Library Association, and Master of Archives and Records
Administration (MARA)
-mara>  program. All courses in the i.School Open Classes program are
delivered exclusively online
<http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/prospective-students/discover-online-learning> .


The i.School Open Classes program is open to everyone with a Bachelor's
degree or higher. Enrollment
<http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/programs/ischool-open-classes/enrollment>  is based
on space availability and is not guaranteed. Course fees are $474 (USD) per
unit, and most courses are 3 units. Fees are subject to change.


Quick Links:

.         Fall 2014 Course List

.         Sign-up Form

.         Eligibility, Requirements, and Fees

.         Open Classes Program FAQs




The San Jose State University (SJSU) School of Library and Information
Science <http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/>  (SLIS) prepares individuals for
professional careers in the information professions. Graduates work
<http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/people/alumni/career-spotlights>  in diverse areas,
such as website design, digital asset management, information architecture,
electronic records management, and librarianship. The SJSU information
school is a recognized leader in online education
<http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/prospective-students/discover-online-learning>  and
received the 2013 Sloan-C Effective Practice Award
ward-honoring-innovation-online-learning>  in recognition of its effective
use of the Sloan-C Quality Scorecard
<http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/about-slis/scorecard>  for the Administration of
Online Education Programs. 


In addition to the i.School Open Classes program, SJSU SLIS offers the
following online educational programs
<http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/prospective-students/choose-your-program> : 


.         Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS)

.         Teacher Librarian 

.         Master of Archives and Records Administration (MARA)

.         Post-Master's Certificate in Library and Information Science

.         San Jose Gateway PhD

.         MOOCs


For more information about the school, please visit slisweb.sjsu.edu
<http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/> .



Nicole Purviance

Director of Marketing and Communications

School of Library and Information Science

San Jose State University


nicole.purviance at sjsu.edu

http://slisweb.sjsu.edu <http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/> 




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