[Sigia-l] "I think, therefore I classify": Joint ISKO/BCS IRSG Seminar on 16th July

Leonard Will L.Will at willpowerinfo.co.uk
Wed Jun 27 18:47:32 EDT 2012

*ISKO UK and the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group (IRSG)*

        "I think, therefore I classify"

/A Seminar and Workshop on the subject of classification on Monday 16 
July, 09.00 – 18.00/
/Wilkes Room – British Computer Society London office/
/1st Floor, The Davidson Building, 5 Southampton Street, London, WC2E 7HA /

Dear list members
There is less than a month to go before our seminar on Classification 
and places are filling up fast, so don’t forget to register while there 
is still chance.

Classification is at the heart of ISKO's mission, and we have secured an 
array of first-class speakers. The aim is to help us individually and 
collectively review our approaches to the subject.  After the main 
presentations (see the latest programme at 
http://www.iskouk.org/events/classification_july2012.htm ) there will be 
four breakout sessions, giving everyone the opportunity to participate 
in the evolution of ideas.

The topics for the breakout sessions will be finalised based on chosen 
preferences at the time of registration. If you have thoughts on this, 
please enter them into the comments box when you register.
The event is organized jointly between ISKO UK and the Information 
Retrieval Specialist Group  (IRSG) of the British Computer Society. In 
the breaks we hope to arrange demonstrations from vendors of software 
designed to handle classification automatically.

The event fee (which includes lunch and refreshments) is 25 pounds to 
ISKO and BCS members and to full-time students and just 60 pounds for 
non-members, payable in advance.  To reserve a place and see more 
details, please go to 
http://www.iskouk.org/events/classification_july2012.htm . If you have 
booked already, don't forget the venue is the London office of the 
British Computer Society 
<http://www.bcs.org/upload/pdf/london-office-guide.pdf>, 5 Southampton 
Street, London, WC2E 7HA .

ISKO is a not-for-profit scientific/professional association with the 
objective of promoting research and communication in the domain of 
knowledge organization, within the broad field of information science 
and related disciplines. Our UK emphasis is to build bridges between the 
research and practitioner communities, with the UK Chapter attracting 
lively and steadily growing audiences to its afternoon meetings. You can 
see past and future events at <http://www.iskouk.org/events.htm>, most 
with MP3 recordings.

BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, champions the global IT profession 
and the interests of individuals engaged in that profession for the 
benefit of all. Among its many specialist groups is the Information 
Retrieval SG,whose aims include supporting communication between 
researchers and practitioners, promoting the use of information 
retrieval methods in industry and raising public awareness.

Leonard Will

Willpower Information     (Partners: Dr Leonard D Will, Sheena E Will)
Information Management Consultants            Tel: +44 (0)20 8372 0092
27 Calshot WayL.Will at Willpowerinfo.co.uk
ENFIELDSheena.Will at Willpowerinfo.co.uk
EN2 7BQ, UKhttp://www.willpowerinfo.co.uk/

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