No subject

Tue Dec 6 21:10:36 EST 2011

"MetaTagger 3.5 will compare favorably with taxonomy tools from information=
 management leaders like Autonomy and Convera, although Autonomy=92s techno=
logy is better suited for automated document matching and relevance ranking=
 without a specific focus on prebuilt taxonomy. Inxight=92s tools are also =
comparable, although its visualization capabilities add another dimension t=
o information discovery. Stratify offers some of the most advanced features=
 on the market today and will challenge Verity for leadership in taxonomy t=
ools and analytics, particularly now that Verity will merge its new Inktomi=
/Quiver capabilities with its existing Intelligent Classifier tools. For or=
ganizations able to experiment with technology from other emerging companie=
s, Applied Semantics, Endeca, Entopia, Entrieva, Hyperwave, Recommind, SER =
Solutions and Semagix are good alternatives to examine, although their prod=
uct features support information retrieval broadly with taxonomy developmen=
t playing a supporting role." 
My question to y'all: what is the prevalence of these tools in IA projects?=
 Giga likes "Interwoven MetaTagger 3.5 and Stratify Discovery System 2.0 of=
fer improved capabilities for managing taxonomy life cycles. Both support t=
he growing concern that effective information retrieval and management requ=
ire a continuous approach to keeping the taxonomy vital."

However, Giga doesn't mention the title/role "information architect" in its=
 discussion nor in an earlier report, "Best Practices in Taxonomy Developme=
nt and Management." Instead, they use the term "library science practitione=
r." I'm seeing this approach at the quasi-governmental agency where I work.=
..and the term "information architect" is used in context of "data architec=


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