[Sigia-l] Survey of information architects: Roles, skills and job characteristics

Bill Kules kules at cua.edu
Thu Apr 21 10:17:08 EDT 2011

Hi folks,

I've received some requests to share the results of the survey, which
I'm happy to do. I'll post a summary of the results here on the list.

Please pass the survey info along to other IAs that you know of. I'd
like to cast as wide a net as possible.

"Decide, do, reflect, repeat..."
Bill Kules, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, The Catholic University of America,
    School of Library and Information Science
(301) 755-7982 voice
(240) 599-7671 fax
kules at cua.edu

------- Original message -------------
From: sigia-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-bounces at asis.org] On
Behalf Of Bill Kules
Sent: 18 April 2011 22:44
To: sigia-l at asis.org
Subject: [Sigia-l] Survey of information architects: Roles, skills and
job characteristics

Dear colleague,

We need your help!  We are conducting a survey regarding job
characteristics, skills, and roles of practicing Information
Architects to understand how IA professionals view their day-to-day
practice of Information Architecture (IA). The results of this survey
will help us to better understand the evolving field of IA.  Also,
educators in professional LIS (and related programs) will benefit as
they seek to prepare students to be IAs.

I hope you can spend 15 minutes to complete the survey by Friday,
April 29. Your participation in the survey is voluntary. Your personal
contact information and survey responses will be kept confidential.

Please complete the survey at:

The survey data collection methodology will ensure that individual
participants cannot be identified. Your personal information will not
be stored or directly connected in any way with the answers you
provide. The survey will be configured to prevent reporting of IP
addresses. Moreover, the subject of the research involves perceptions
of job characteristics for Information Architects, not personal
information. This survey has been approved by the Institutional Review
Board at The Catholic University of America (IRB #11-031).

If you have questions about this study, please contact me, Bill Kules
at kules at cua.edu.

Thank you for sharing your valuable time and participating in this study.

Bill Kules, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, The Catholic University of America,
School of Library and Information Science
(301) 755-7982 voice
(240) 599-7671 fax
kules at cua.edu
2012  IA Summit
March 21 - 25, 2012
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