[Sigia-l] Anyone suggest a better global list?

Marianne Sweeny msweeny at speakeasy.net
Fri Dec 31 14:32:00 EST 2010

Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 13:52:04 -0500
From: Joe Lamantia <joe at joelamantia.com>
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Anyone suggest a better global list?
To: Sigia-L <sigia-l at asis.org>
Message-ID: <F0A565E8-F37C-428A-8BCD-B1C7EC44DF6C at joelamantia.com>
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Without getting into the finer points of a what constitutes a discipline,
role, community, or skill set, I wonder what we think the lessons in this
reality are, if any?

For example, what of the rapidly growing discipline of content strategy?

Will content strategy follow a similar arc, one we might simplify to:
	1. coalescing around an underserved problem
	2. growing rapidly as an area of focus and activity
	3. stabilizing within reduced boundaries, as related / overlapping
areas of activity mature and solidify

I'm thinking here of all the ways that information structure was used
essentially as a 'hack' to address the interaction limitations of the early
web environments, and how these problems are often addressed now using the
perspectives and tools of those related disciplines like product managment,
interaction design, and marketing.

Still, there is a distinct and recognizable architecture / architectural
perspective necessary for the making of good experiences - one that is not
the center of gravity for IxD, or content strategy, or product management,
and one that many people carrying these titles don't have.  This persistence
of need for addressing the architectural perspective would seem to be the
prime mover behind the growth of demand for roles like UX Architect.

On Dec 30, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Todd Zaki Warfel wrote:

> I attribute it to the rest of the world has moved on to consider IA as
part of a set of skills that a designer should have. It's not a discipline
unto itself, but rather part of a skill set that other roles should have. 

joe at joelamantia.com | www.joelamantia.com

"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go
through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in
it."   - Anais Nin

Good Morning All

And what a delight to see a vibrant discussion on this list after such a
long time of single mail digests that usually contained someone
out-of-office notice. 

Todd, I could not disagree more about IA being taken over by designers and I
hope that we are able to head that off at the pass very soon. Information
Architecture is a very specific skill set that is acquired through a focused
education, experience and, in the best of all worlds, both. Design is
another contribution that is also the result of a completely different skill
set also acquired through a focused education (different focus), experience
(different experience) and, the same best of all worlds, both. Yes,
designers do IA and not as well as IAs. Yes, IAs do design and likely not as
well as collaborating with a designer in that specific role. 

Folks read a few SEO articles or go to a seminar and think that they can now
magically do SEO. Would that it were that simple. 

So, we're user experience architects now? Okay, whatever, just as long as
there is a role for someone who specifically addresses the structure of the
information and how individuals access and process that information. I think
that part of the online experience is important enough to warrant such



Message: 11
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 20:21:04 +0000
From: Jonathan Baker-Bates <jonathan at bakerbates.com>
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Anyone suggest a better global list?
To: Sigia-L <sigia-l at asis.org>
	<AANLkTinvgAxAwd8X8AbdFgvFJwP43Twu4kZLhRo1uKKj at mail.gmail.com>
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On 30 December 2010 18:52, Joe Lamantia <joe at joelamantia.com> wrote:

> This persistence of need for addressing the architectural perspective
> seem to be the prime mover behind the growth of demand for roles like UX
> Architect.
Does this mean we've answered Louise's question now or not?


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End of Sigia-l Digest, Vol 75, Issue 11

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