[Sigia-l] NY Times: Navigation Help for Surfacing Subway Riders

Jennifer Hoppenrath jenhoppenrath at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 18 16:07:35 EDT 2007

We have something similar to this here in Chicago in the few (too few) Blue Line subway overhauls.  It exisits within the underground terminal as part of a kiosk that also contains televised advertising and sites of interest.  There are two large photo panels labeled "view from street" with directions and neighboring streets superimposed over them, one for a 180 degree view from one direction, and another with a 180 degree view from the other, as if two people standing back-to-back in the middle of the intersection both took pictures.  It's helpful in that you can exit the train at a station and know where you are in relation to above ground before you even surface.  

Jennifer Hoppenrath

----- Original Message ----
From: Ruth Kaufman <ruth.kaufman at gmail.com>
To: SIGIA-L <sigia-l at asis.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:10:47 PM
Subject: [Sigia-l] NY Times: Navigation Help for Surfacing Subway Riders

I thought this story might delight a few here:

IA Summit 2008: "Experiencing Information" 
April 10-14, 2008, Miami, Florida

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