[Sigia-l] (event) Steve Krug at 10/25 meeting of Puget Sound SIGCHI, Seattle

Klein Info Design info at kleininfodesign.com
Mon Oct 15 21:56:26 EDT 2007

Steve Krug is the featured speaker at October’s Puget Sound SIGCHI meeting
at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 25, at Adobe in the Fremont area of Seattle. 

No registration is required for this free meeting of UX professionals. 

Topic: Yes, Virginia, there is a perfect Web page

Is there really one ideal way to do Web pages—a definitive “best practice”?
And if there is, does that mean that all pages should basically look alike?
What about creativity and innovative design? 

Steve Krug, author of Don’t Make Me Think, will explain why he’s become
convinced that there actually is a short list of design conventions that
make some Web pages inherently better than others—things that very few sites
get right, even though they’re not all that hard to do. 

Besides spelling out his vision of the perfect Web page, Steve will also
present his brand new Site Navigation Identification Chart: a handy tool
that classifies the different ways to do navigation and helps you choose the
best one for your site.

Thursday--Oct. 25, 2007

6:00 pm networking and refreshments 

7:00 pm Presentation

Job announcements to follow the presentation.

Adobe, 801 N. 34th St., Fremont area of Seattle, WA 98103
For directions see http://pssigchi.acm.org/html/meetings/10_25_2007.html 

Steve Krug evaluates and improves interfaces for a wide variety of clients,
primarily in online services and the Web, including Apple, AOL, Netscape,
BarnesandNoble.com, and Lexus.com.

In workshops based on his book, Don’t Make Me Think, he helps people think
like a usability expert and make low-cost/no-cost testing an everyday part
of the design process.

His consulting firm, Advanced Common Sense (“just me and a few well-placed
mirrors”) is based in Chestnut Hill, MA.


Puget Sound Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI) is
a non-profit, local SIG chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery
serving the Puget Sound region's interface design, usability, and research


Puget Sound SIGCHI encourages people interested in user-centered design and
usability to join us ($20 yearly dues). 
Details at http://www.acm.org/chapters/pssigchi/html/membership.html

Kathleen Klein, Secretary 
Puget Sound SIG Computer-Human Interaction 
Klein Info Design LLC

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