[Sigia-l] basic search and advance search

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Tue Oct 9 03:58:55 EDT 2007

On 9/10/07 12:34 PM, "Juan Ruiz" <Juan.Ruiz at hyro.com> wrote:

> Is advance search a feature necessary on all websites? When do you draw
> the line to include or not the advance search form on a site?

For a recent project we ditched the "advanced search" link in the main nav
... however, when a user performs a simple search we then present the search
result with a "refine your search" interface (which is just another way of
saying "advanced search"). Luckily there aren't that many extra options
involved so it doesn't appear intimidating .. if there were we would
probably make them available via a "more options" link (probably with a
dynamic html show/hide widget).

Sure, it's a bit of spin in the terminology but early feedback from the
prototype has been positive.


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