[Sigia-l] Tools vs. Services

Roger Zender rogerzender at hotmail.com
Tue May 1 10:10:25 EDT 2007


I'm curious about this lists' response to an issue we're having...   
We're working on our library's new website sitemap.  We're working  
with consultants, and they have suggested a 5 tier sitemap:

- Services
- Collections
- Research Tools
- Who We Are
- Connect w/ Us

The problem I'm having is distinguishing between Services & Tools.   
I'm actually hoping to combine these areas (to accommodate our ideal  
design), but our developers think the distinction is clear and want  
to keep it.  For instance, they want us to put our Librarian-created  
Subject Guides under Research Tools, but I don't see why this  
couldn't just as easily be a Service.  Services already contains  
things like "Course Reserves" "Tutorials" and our pages on  
"Information Literacy."    Other items they have in Research Tools  
include "Refworks", our "Copyright" pages and our "Citation & Style  

I think we're really getting down to semantics here, so this question  
is more about the general difference between Services & Tools.  Have  
any of you struggled with this distinction?

Thank you,

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