[Sigia-l] Job requiringmentos

Boyd.DeGroot at tietoenator.com Boyd.DeGroot at tietoenator.com
Wed Mar 28 03:22:36 EDT 2007

This trend is also apparent in my country, The Netherlands.

Maybe these are early indicators of a society or civilization in decay (okay, bear with me a bit more :-)

"It´s about the substance, not about trivial spelling" is what you hear a lot in Holland.
This attitude is even worse than a foreigner making a few mistakes yet trying. It displays arrogance and self-complacency that is indicative of a growing decadent mindset and sloppiness in our society. A lack of attention to detail runs through many areas of our society which is a trend that should worry us all.

In Holland we now have a school system, centrally set up by baby-boom socialist policy-makers, that is called "New Learning". In this system the teacher is a "coach" and the students need to first decide what knowledge they lack and then go out and gain that knowledge on their own. Oh, yes, they can ask the teacher for help on their quest but only on their own initiative.

Of course, this system works good for the 1% of smart kids from these same highly educated baby-boomers, but the other 99% cannot even do simple math or spelling way in their teenage years. Actually, nowadays, the Dutch universities have to educate freshmen the basics that used to be done by elementary and secondary schools.

And now the socialist baby-boomers are surprised why gang-violance on schoolyards is popping up nowadays. We took away the authoratative teacher and gave them freedom and this is how they thank us...

For the last 10 years or so these youngsters have been entering the workforce and I think we as the generations between the baby-boomers and X, Y, Z will have too wait much longer for our well-deserved retirement :-)

--Boyd de Groot

-----Original Message-----
From: sigia-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf Of Will Parker
Sent: dinsdag 27 maart 2007 22:32
Subject: [Sigia-l] Job requiringmentos

My wife got a fun job alert today for a tech writer position at 'a Fortune 500 company'. Among the requirements:

"Technical aspects of this position include extrating large amounts of data from various databases and data warehouses. Candidate's resumes must show that they they have experience acuiring and maniplating data."

Is it just me, or has the minimum standard for hiring management personnel dropped precipitously in the past 10 years? I like to remind people that we are close relatives to the chimpanzee, but I try to draw the line at working under one.

- Will

Will Parker
wparker at ChannelingDesign.com

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