[Sigia-l] Second Life: The other side

Andrew Boyd facibus at gmail.com
Sat Jun 23 04:32:36 EDT 2007

On 6/23/07, Ziya Oz <listera at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Andrew Boyd:
> > moving beyond the cool to the useful
> That's what I'd like to know, i.e. if SL is the solution, what's the
> problem? Is it simply vacuum that needs to be filled in, because users
> and/or competitors are there?

Virtual meetings without 100s of 1000s of $$ in telepresence gear.
Cheaper access to markets. Help desk analogues that work.

> > virtual navigation as an information structure
> In a virtual environment where 3D spatial movement is presumably possible,
> do we still talk about (sequential) 'navigation' a la web? What's the Ajaxy
> equivalence (contextual interaction) in SL?

Should we ever have spoken of sequential navigation? Or should we have
always given people what they needed in a form that they could use
without having to work out our categorisation prejudices? A collegue
asked me to define primary, secondary, tertiary browse pathways in a
prototype yesterday - I was stunned that in 2007, there were people
that still thought in hierarchical navigation models rather than in
n-dimensional browse facet grids, and the scariest of all: "don't give
them more than one way to find what they need, you will only confuse
them". God help us.

Where does the sequential model go when a visitor can drop into any
point of a structured site via google?

Cheers, Andrew

Andrew Boyd

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