[Sigia-l] IAs vs BAs

Andrew Boyd facibus at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 21:10:08 EDT 2007

On 6/20/07, Alexander Johannesen <alexander.johannesen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Of course, all that could lead us to use PowerPoint to design
> interfaces, Word to do spreadsheets and Excel to write reports, but
> maybe that's a clever excercise in that whole "experiences" category
> and builds character. I dunno. :-)

Hi Alex,

my scary point is this: that a good IA could build a better prototype
in PowerPoint than a bad IA using iRise or Axure.

In the distant past, I built high level wireframe-y prototypes in PDF
strung together with Unix shell scripts in the background just to show
that it could be done. Was this good or bad in and of itself?
Considering the available alternative at the time (Dreamweaver 2.0) it
took longer but did not produce a quantifiably different result.

I take your point about the people down the hall who build a better
looking but not-so-useful design - within the realms of design purism,
you could either produce something that looks better (and works), or
use other ways of managing upwards to achieve the same result.

Cheers, Andrew
Andrew Boyd

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