[Sigia-l] IAs vs BAs

Donna Maurer donnam at maadmob.net
Tue Jun 19 04:12:47 EDT 2007

Eric Reiss wrote:
> I've spoken out about this a couple of times, most recently at the
> Summit in Las Vegas. Here is a link to my deck:
> http://iasummit.org/proceedings/2007/files/Reiss_on_advertising.pdf
> Donna Maurer also made a recording, but I don't think it's been
> posted anywhere.
I'm so sorry but my iPod lost it!!@!!@@!!@@!! Well, actually my flaky 
iTalk lost it, which has happened to me in the past - I don't know there 
is a problem until I check the recording later.

But I can promise it was an awesome talk...

Donna Maurer
Maadmob Interaction Design
e: donna at maadmob.net
web: http://maadmob.net/maadmob_id/
book: http://rosenfeldmedia.com/books/cardsorting/

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