[Sigia-l] Nielsen: Designers 99% explosive

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 12 12:46:24 EDT 2007

Andrew Boyd:

> Big D Designers are the enemy.

We knew that. :-) 

But what we didn't have was this Homeland Security terminology applied to
design. Next for War on Design: daily threat levels.


Navigation bars on the right = Orange
Flash = Red
Flex = Yellow
Submit button named something else = Blue
Ajax = Orange

No wonder his newsletter missives are called "Alertbox". :-)

Seriously though, if half of what he says is true, security, er, usability
folks should consider Design not the enemy but job protection. Maybe he'll
change "Alertbox" to "Cashcow".

Nullius in Verba 

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