[Sigia-l] About bloody time?

Andrew Boyd facibus at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 18:30:12 EDT 2007

On 7/17/07, James Aylett <james.aylett at tangozebra.com> wrote:
> Apparently Sun's library system is very good. In general most collections are poorly organised, but the point of a librarian is that you don't have to deal with the organisation yourself anyway. A good librarian should be able to (effectively) do a fuzzy contextual search to find what you *actually* want, in a way that computers aren't very good at.

Hi James,

perhaps I was too harsh - there are a lot of librarians who do a lot
of good. As Kerry said, it is often a question of resources (or lack

I guess my point was that the SME librarian model starts to fail in
distributed or really big information stores.

Cheers, Andrew
Andrew Boyd

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