[Sigia-l] Usability Testing

Arthur Fink arthur at arthurfink.com
Mon Jan 22 08:38:31 EST 2007

At 06:59 AM 1/22/2007, Christopher Fahey wrote:
>Arthur Fink wrote:
> > When "test" is seen as "validate", then, certainly, yes.
> >
> > But when testing is part of an iterative cycle of development
> > by prototyping, then it almost has to be done by the same
> > group -- and that's just fine.
>I see your point. Would you say that "testing" is tactical, and "validation"
>is strategic? Can "usability testing" do both?

Too many complicated words ... I'm getting lost.

Years ago manufacturing companies thought that Quality Control (QC) 
meant careful testing of items before they left the factory.

Later they got the light ... quality could be designed into the 
product, and into the manufacturing processes.  Quality Control 
involved the whole cycle.

I believe that design and usability is similar.  Usability and design 
begin to merge.  Certainly somebody could look at a web site, or 
program interface, and measure its usability in some way.  But why 
JUST do this?  In the course of a design process, such tests could be 
performed for a useful diagnostic purpose.

          ARTHUR FINK Consulting  arthur at arthurfink.com
           Ten New Island Avenue  Listening to users
       Peaks Island, Maine 04108  Designing for people
              www.ArthurFink.com  User interfaces that work
207.766.5722  cell 207.615.5722  Progress training + consulting

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