[Sigia-l] Tag Clouds in Print

Joe Lamantia joe at joelamantia.com
Thu Jan 4 18:09:12 EST 2007


It is interesting that they chose not to replicate the graphic on- 
line.  Maybe due to the lower resolution available on-line vs. in print?

If you consider the Vancouver Sun, the NYTimes, and the Guardian  
mainstream, then it's safe to say that tag clouds appear in  
mainstream media.  Of course, appearing in major media does not make  
them mainstream to the degree of being broadly accepted.

I'll venture that these particular appearances of tag clouds and  
related visualizations (technically these aren't tag clouds, since  
they don't have all three elements of the tagging triangle - tag,  
tagger, and focus - but no need to split hairs...) are examples of  
the mainstream experimenting with a new form of information display.

I do think it's likely we'll see more instances and growing  
acceptance of tag clouds as a mainstream information display  
practice, but of course there are no guarantees, as with all things  
in life...

Joe Lamantia

On Jan 3, 2007, at 12:28 PM, Skot Nelson wrote:

> Interesting, today's Vancouver Sun uses what can only really be
> described as a Tag Cloud on their front page to display the relative
> increase in property assessment values. Communities that had larger
> increases are printed in larger text.
> Interestingly, they haven't duplicated this online.
> Is this common? Has the Tag Cloud arrive as a mainstream form of
> information display?
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joe at joelamantia.com | www.joelamantia.com

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inferno, are not inferno, then make them endure, give them space."

Italo Calvino -- Invisible Cities

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