[Sigia-l] Metadata Services Manager position at Caltech, Pasadena, CA

George Porter george at library.caltech.edu
Wed Feb 28 15:48:34 EST 2007

Caltech Library Services (CLS) seek a forward thinking manager of its
newly formed Metadata Services group. The Metadata Services Manager
reports to the Director of Library Information Technology and is
responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of
databases and digital resources. The Manager will develop a
comprehensive strategy for the acquisition, description, management, and
preservation of digital library resources, and the acquisition and
description of books, journals, databases, and site licenses. 

The Metadata Services Manager will provide leadership in the analysis,
planning, development, and deployment of tools to search, manipulate,
manage, and preserve information. To this end, the Metadata Services
Manager is expected to participate in professional organizations to
bring this expertise to the CLS. The Metadata Services Manager will work
with other CLS departments and with the CLS user community to evaluate,
adopt, and implement metadata standards and best practices that support
the CLS catalog and repositories of texts, images, data, and
audio-visual resources.

CLS is a small and agile organization of about 40 FTE that has a proven
record of early adoption of new technologies. It serves a community of
285 faculty, 300 Researchers, and 2000 students in Pasadena, California.

Letter of interest and resume should be submitted to the Caltech job
application web site at <http://tinyurl.com/37n58q>, where a complete
job description is posted. Applications received by February 26th will
receive first consideration. Position will remain open until filled.


George S. Porter
Sherman Fairchild Library of Engineering & Applied Science
California Institute of Technology
Mail Code 1-43, Pasadena, CA  91125
Telephone (626) 395-3409 Fax (626) 431-2681 
http://library.caltech.edu/ | http://oacaltech.blogspot.com

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