[Sigia-l] Don Norman: Design on Future Things - webinar
Lisa Colvin
lisadawn at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 14:04:24 EST 2007
Free seminar/webinar from Stanford.
Stanford Seminar on People, Computers, and Design (CS547)
Gates B03 (NEC Classroom) and SITN, 12:30-2:00pm PDT (UTC 19:30)
Video: http://scpd.stanford.edu/scpd/students/courseList.asp
Friday, February 9, 2007
Don Norman, Northwestern University and Nielsen-Norman Group
The Design of Future Things: Cautious Cars and Cantankerous Kitchens
Intelligent devices are entering our everyday lives in interesting
and sometimes disconcerting ways. In this talk, Don Norman discuses
his latest book , The Design of Future Things (to be published in
October). The book discuses the increasing intrusion of intelligent
devices into the automobile and home with both expected benefits and
unexpected dangers.
The aviation industry knows a lot about the dangers of
overautomation. Similarly, the HCI community has learned a lot about
appropriate design. The issues here, however, are different: most
studies of automation and intelligent devices look at industrial
settings, with well-trained operators who do the same operations over
and over again. In the home and automobile, we have ill-trained
operators, with little understanding (and little interest in gaining
understanding), and in the case of the automobile, who may have to
react in seconds. In the home, poor design decisions may simply lead
to annoyance and frustration. But with the automobile, significant
safety issues are involved. All the usual suspects are here: issues
of privacy, the perceived benefits, costs, safety, control, and
trust. Expectations and perceived versus real needs. These are
important areas for research and product innovation.
Don Norman is cofounder of the Nielsen Norman Group, an executive
consulting firm that helps companies produce human-centered products
and services, Professor at Northwestern University and Prof. Emeritus
of the University of California, San Diego. He has been Vice
President of Apple Computer and an executive at Hewlett Packard. He
was President of the Learning Systems division of UNext, an early,
online education company.
He serves on many advisory boards, such as Chicago's Institute of
Design and Encyclopedia Britannica. He is a fellow of many
organizations, including the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
He has received the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer & Cognitive
Science from the Franklin Institute (Philadelphia), honorary degrees
from the University of Padova (Italy) and the Technical University of
Delft (the Netherlands), the "Lifetime Achievement Award" from
SIGCHI, the professional organization for Computer-Human Interaction,
the Mental Health award for contributions to Business from Psychology
Today, and the Taylor Award for outstanding contribution to the field
of Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology from the American
Psychological Association.
He is well known for his books "The Design of Everyday Things" and
"Emotional Design." Business Week called The Invisible Computer "the
bible of the "post PC thinking." He is now writing "The Design of
Future Things," discussing the role that automation plays in such
everyday places as the home, and automobile. He lives at
Next Week: - February 16, 2007 - Tina Blaine, HCI Institute
Carnegie-Mellon University
Designing Interfaces for Musical Experience
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