[Sigia-l] Testing your own sites

Arthur Fink arthur at arthurfink.com
Sun Feb 4 15:31:56 EST 2007

At 12:35 PM 2/4/2007, Christopher Fahey wrote:

>Has anyone else working on the consulting side observed this phenomenon? My
>company's thinking has always been that, basically, it takes an awful lot of
>chutzpah to try to sell in-house usability testing services as part of a
>design and development process.

Feels like old ground to me ...

If "usabilty testing" = validation, then there's good reason for an 
outside group to perform that role.

But if "usability testing" = part of an iterative development 
process, then it's integral with what you're doing.

Arthur Fink

          ARTHUR FINK Consulting  arthur at arthurfink.com
           Ten New Island Avenue  Listening to users
       Peaks Island, Maine 04108  Designing for people
              www.ArthurFink.com  User interfaces that work
207.766.5722  cell 207.615.5722  Progress training + consulting

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