[Sigia-l] Reminder: Canberra IA Cocktail Hour on this evening

Andrew Boyd facibus at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 19:15:40 EDT 2007

Hi all,

just a reminder that the Canberra IA Cocktail Hour is on this evening,
Wednesday 18 April 2007.

Matthew Hodgson will speak on Semantic Analysis in IA.

Content audits are hard. It's probably because English is a messy
language - people write with different styles and call things by
different names. It means that analysis, categorisation and building
corporate taxonomies are very time consuming, even if its just for the
local intranet.

Matthew will talk about his recent experience in the Department of
Health and Ageing, and introduce the concept of semantic analysis as a
method of assisting information classification.

We follow a meet'n'greet/presentation/chat format, with the emphasis
on information exchange at practitioner level. This is a great
opportunity to talk with other IAs in Canberra, have a few drinks, and
chat about work.

Time: 17:30-19:00
Day/Date: Wednesday 18 April 2007
Venue: SMS Management & Technology
Ground Floor, 8 Brindabella Circuit

Parking: please note that Brindabella Park has different parking
arrangements than those found in many parts of Canberra - there is
free parking for the first hour adjacent to the entrance of 8
Brindabella Circuit. After that you have to move your car or pay for
parking (and this applies past the end of the meeting).

PS: there is a contact list for the Canberra IA Cocktail Hours: you
can join via http://au.groups.yahoo.com/group/canberra_ia_community

Best regards, Andrew Boyd

Andrew Boyd

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