[Sigia-l] Do Make Me Think!
Patrick Walsh
patrick.walsh at hertshighways.org.uk
Mon Oct 16 06:18:05 EDT 2006
>How about a fall-back option to the web search - when a user struggles
>too long with a search he would be automatically offered contact with
>a human consultant?
Might save potential customers from going elsewhere.
It has been shown that sometimes users blame themselves and feel stupid for
not being able to get where they want to go. Human intervention into this
process might increase user self esteem and retain them as future
Patrick C. Walsh,
Lukasiak" To: "Patrick Walsh" <patrick.walsh at hertshighways.org.uk>
<zzbbyy at gmail.com cc:
> Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Do Make Me Think!
16/10/2006 10:59
> Does all information have to be via a web page? Human beings are quite
> at answering 'soft queries'. Most sites have 'Contact Us' sections where
> you can e-mail queries and usually get a reply anytime from a day to a
> month. The company that provides me with a skilled human online and
> interacting in real time when I have a difficult query will always get my
> business.
How about a fall-back option to the web search - when a user struggles
too long with a search he would be automatically offered contact with
a human consultant?
On 10/16/06, Patrick Walsh <patrick.walsh at hertshighways.org.uk> wrote:
> Does all information have to be via a web page? Human beings are quite
> at answering 'soft queries'. Most sites have 'Contact Us' sections where
> you can e-mail queries and usually get a reply anytime from a day to a
> month. The company that provides me with a skilled human online and
> interacting in real time when I have a difficult query will always get my
> business.
> I work in enterprise IA and the most frequent observation I hear is that
> is dehumanising. In certain areas an improved web/human interface might
> restore some balance.
> Patrick C. Walsh,
> Skot Nelson
> <skot at penguinstor To: Malahat Hosseini
<malahat at telus.net>
> m.com> cc: SIGIA-L l
<sigia-l at asis.org>
> Sent by: Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Do
Make Me Think!
> sigia-l-bounces at a
> sis.org
> 16/10/2006 01:41
> On Oct-15-2006, at 17:32 , Malahat Hosseini wrote:
> > I want to go to trip with this ( x) budget any time in fall...I
> > dont want to
> > give you a fixed date... I just want to see whatever you have and
> > pick...
> >
> >
> > is this a rare case? :)
> No, but I think that the problem here is a slightly different one:
> how to deal with "fuzzy" queries. I do agree that the inability to
> query travel sites in seemingly natural ways is a problem.
> That's both a technological and an architecture issue.
> On the architecture side of things, how you structure queries and
> present responses will play a hugely significant role.
> On the technology side, the needs here are quite interesting. Travel
> sites get most the information that they sell and redistribute from
> external sources. There's no such thing as "inventory" in most
> case....Expedia doesn't have 5 trips to Mexico sitting on a shelf,
> and what they do have changes from moment to moment. A seat on KLM is
> available now but...ooops....now it's gone.
> So the travel sites themselves may benefit from some impression
> ability to deal with "soft" queries, but the people providing their
> "inventory" require absolute precision -- it's a fun conflict.
> --
> Skot Nelson
> skot (at) penguinstorm (dot) com
> http://www.penguinstorm.com/
> skype. skot.nelson
> "In anything at all, perfection is finally attained not when
> there is no longer anything to add, but when there
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