[Sigia-l] www.live.com search - a missed opportunity?

Stewart Dean stew8dean at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 8 19:35:50 EST 2006

This my attempt to add some signal back here, it may fail but worth a go.

For those who havnt seen it Microsoft have launched a Web 2.0 style search 


My view is that currently the dynamic elements on this page add nothing to 
the information compared to a site like google. The ability to hid then show 
elements I feel is not that relevant as most users, judgng by SEO results, 
don't look much beyond the most relevant searches. From a UI perspective I 
find the non standard scroll bar less usable than a page flicking mechanism 
as well. Is it just me or is this a wasted opportunaty at using Web 2.0 for 
something more useful to enhance search rather than just changing the way 
you view the results slightly? My feeling is that Microsoft have missed the 

Stewart Dean

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