[Sigia-l] RE: Sigia-l Digest, Vol 16, Issue 29

andrew at friendlymanual.com andrew at friendlymanual.com
Thu Jan 26 22:01:58 EST 2006

Quoting "Trenouth, John" <John.Trenouth at cardinal.com>:
> I'm not sure how to put this nicely, but that is ludicrous.  There is
> nothing in the realm of information architecture that would adequately
> qualify someone in areas like finance and strategic planning to lead a
> public software or media company.  Perhaps over the years some former
> IAs will have acquired enough of such corporate leadership
> abilities--but then that would make their IA background incidental.

Hi John,

not to be disagreeable, but... :) I know two IAs currently working on their MBAs
because they are looking at taking their technical leadership further. Not a
path I would be comfortable with myself, but that is where they are heading.

Best regards, Andrew

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