[Sigia-l] Call for papers

Dr. Javier Solorio Lagunas solorioj at UCOL.MX
Tue Jan 24 21:29:15 EST 2006

Dear all:
On behalf of the University of Colima, I am glad to share with you the DC2006
Call for Papers

                 Call for Papers


         International Conference on Dublin Core
              and Metadata Applications

              Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico
                  3-6 October 2006

One decade into its expansion, the World-Wide Web is
reaching ever-broader circles of society, transforming how
people learn about our rapidly changing world.  A window onto
a wealth of cultural resources, the Web is emerging as the
locus of our collective memory, with profound consequences
for the future of cultural memory institutions.

Metadata based on standards such as Dublin Core are a key
component in the construction of Web-based repositories and
e-learning environments in institutions such as universities,
museums, government agencies, and libraries.  DC-2006 -- the
sixth in a series of conferences previously held in Tokyo
(2001), Florence (2002), Seattle (2003), Shanghai (2004),
and Madrid (2005) -- will be held this year in Manzanillo,
Colima, Mexico, 3-6 October 2006.

DC-2006 will cover a full range of topics related to standards
and technologies for metadata.  This year, the conference
theme is "Metadata for Knowledge and Learning".  This theme
promises to be of particular interest to several distinct
communities of practice:

-- Users of metadata standards relevant to e-learning, notably
    Dublin Core and Learning Object Metadata (LOM).

-- Creators of institutional repositories in cultural memory
    institutions such as universities, museums, and libraries,
    especially with regard to the "open access" movement.

-- Builders of intranet repositories and training environments
    in corporations and government agencies.

-- Users of related knowledge organization systems, such as
    thesauri, subject classifications, and corporate taxonomies.

Conference papers and workshop proposals are welcome on a wide
range of topics, such as:

-- Metadata for knowledge and cultural memory applications
-- Corporate enterprise metadata and taxonomies
-- Moving thesauri to the Semantic Web
-- Metadata for e-learning and accessibility
-- Community-driven vocabulary development
-- Impact of social bookmarking on the metadata landscape
-- Business models for educational metadata
-- Vocabulary registries and registry services
-- Innovative metadata services
-- Metadata quality evaluation and metrics
-- Automatic generation of metadata

The Program Committee would like to solicit contributions of
the following types:

-- Regular Papers (8 to 10 pages) either describe innovative
    original work in detail or provide critical, well-referenced
    overviews of key developments or good practice in the
    areas outlined above.

-- Short papers (2 to 3 pages) describe a specific model,
    application, or activity in a concise format.

-- Workshop proposals (1 page) define the topic of workshop
    session, identify organizers, and describe a process for
    inviting and reviewing contributions. Paper submissions will
    be peer-reviewed by the program committee and published both
    in print and electronically in the conference proceedings.

All accepted papers must be presented at the conference by
at least one of their authors.

Deadlines and important dates
     Papers submission:       15 April 2006
     Acceptance notification: 16 June 2006
     Camera-ready copy due:   14 July 2006

Conference language

The official language of the conference is English, but
we will provide simultaneous translation (English-Spanish)
for keynotes, tutorials, and plenary sessions.

Dr. Javier Solorio Lagunas
Responsable de Proyectos Especiales
Coordinación General de Servicios y
Tecnologías de Información
Universidad de Colima
e-mail solorioj at ucol.mx
Tel: 01 312 3161039

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