[Sigia-l] WINDS relation browser
Dawn Ressel Nidy
dmressel at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 21 08:59:19 EST 2006
It wasn't clear to me that it was a proof of concept,
so I take back what I said about the missing data.
However, I still stick by my previous statements about
the lack of usefulness of this technology for
comparing geographic relationships.
Even if it is a demo, then the authors should have
chosen a different subject that is more suitable to
this type of visualization. The technolgy itself is
impressive and extremely responsive. It would be a
nice way to show relationships that exist in a matrix
structure (not hierarchical), those where the
relationships are fairly equal in importance, and one
where there isn't already a strong cultural mental
model of how that data should be displayed.
So, if you were asking about the potential of this
technology, then I agree that it has a lot of
potential uses and the technology is flexible and
lightweight. However, I still fell pretty strongly
that they chose a poorly-suited concept to model, and
most of us couldn't get past that on our initial look.
Still, it got us thinking, which means it has some
depth to it.
Dawn Nidy
--- Listera <listera at rcn.com> wrote:
> Eric Reiss:
> > In which case, I don't understand your original
> query to the list:
> >
> >> Useful? Usable?
> Fair enough. My questions were about the *potential*
> the demo represented,
> as opposed to the actual content, accuracy, data
> source, etc. Personally,
> I'll take this over any slow, cumbersome, complex,
> over engineered
> Java/Flash app, no matter how much more data (or
> even relationships) it may
> reveal. Since this one separated
> display/structure/function via XML and was
> thus expandable if one so desired, many of the
> issues so far raised could
> easily be solved. So while the demo itself may fail
> some of your general
> info-viz goals, it nevertheless offers a few of the
> attributes sorely
> missing from similar hyperbolic/star tree maps:
> nimbleness, ease-of-use,
> simplicity, etc.
> I take it that you didn't like it? :-)
> ----
> Ziya
> Design is doing for a dime what anyone can do for a
> dollar.
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