[Sigia-l] Feb 10 deadline for IA 06 Summit
Richard Hill
rhill at asis.org
Thu Feb 2 12:36:07 EST 2006
You must register by February 10, 2006 in order to get the early rates for
the IA 06 Summit.
IA Summit home page: http://www.iasummit.org/
Registration pages: http://www.iasummit.org/2006/registration.htm
Opening plenary: Dr. David Weinberger, author of Small Pieces
Loosely Joined and co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto, as this year's
keynote speaker.
Closing Plenary: Peter Merholz, a regular speaker at Web design and
information architecture conferences, including the IA Summit, South
by Southwest (SXSW), and the UI Conference.
And 54 additional superb sessions in between, ranging from practice
to research.
Pre Conference Sessions:
Thursday, March 23
- Enhancing Your Strategic Influence: Understanding and Responding to
Complex Business Problems. Victor Lombardi, John Zapolski, Scott Hirsch,
Harry Max, Mark McCormick
- "My Surgeon is a Butcher" - Frames and Conceptual Blending for
IAs (1/2 day, Thursday morning). Sarah A. Rice, Claiborne Rice
- Writing Business Requirements for Information Architects (1/2
day, Thursday morning). Karyn Zuidinga, Sinisa Nojkovic
- Interaction Design (IxD) Symposium (Full day Thursday). David
Heller, Lada Gorlenko, Luke Wroblewski, Lisa deBettencourt
- The Secret Design Strategies for Highly Successful Web Sites (Full day
Thursday). Jared M. Spool
- An Introduction to Rapid Design Labs; a Fast, Collaborative
Approach to Information Architecture and Interface Design (1/2 day Thursday
afternoon). Dave Robertson
Friday, March 24
- From Research to Design: A Hands-On How-To (1/2 day Friday morning).
Donna Maurer
- Strategic Intranet Planning (1/2 day Friday morning). James
- Next Horizons for Information Architecture (IA Institute) (Full
day Friday). Dan Brown, Harry Max, Peter Merholz
- Crafting Understanding-based Structures: Creating Usable Content
(Full day Friday). Thom Haller
- Creating Conceptual Comics: Storytelling and Techniques (Full
day Friday). Kevin Cheng, Jane Jao, Mark Wehner
- Information Architecture & Findability (Full day Friday). Peter
- Paper Prototyping 2 (1/2 day Friday afternoon). Todd Warfel
- Introduction to Information Architecture (1/2 day Friday afternoon).
Donna Maurer
Richard B. Hill
Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Fax: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900
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