[Sigia-l] Card sorting

Donna Maurer donna at maadmob.net
Tue Apr 25 22:43:37 EDT 2006

You can't ;)

That's where some smart IA uses their brain and 'designs' an IA rather than relying on 
the outcomes of a single activity.


On 25 Apr 2006 at 19:35, Malahat Hosseini wrote:

> I have a question:
> How can you make sure that the way people "sort " things is going to be the
> same as how they will be "looking " for things?
> For instance I can see the case of someone putting everything that has the
> word " information" in it in one category; but I am sure the same person
> might not look for those items all in one category when faced with an
> organized system...I wonder if I have been able to convey what I mean.
> I am curious to know how you  communicate this to people... 
Donna Maurer
Maadmob Interaction Design

e: donna at maadmob.net
web: 	http://maadmob.net/
book:	http://www.rosenfeldmedia.com/books/cardsorting/
AOL IM: maadmob

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