[Sigia-l] Mac mail packages

Listera listera at rcn.com
Thu Apr 6 15:42:21 EDT 2006

Todd Warfel:

> I abandoned Entourage  years ago for Mail/iCal/Address Book and find them to
> be much better,  faster, easier to use and much less bulky than MS bloatware.

Hell freezes over and I come to the defense of Microsoft. MacBU anyway.
Entourage (what's in question here) is better, faster and easier to use and
much less bulky than the Mail/iCal/Address Book mélange. It's certainly not
bloatware. Certainly not perfect, Entourage is a good email app. I also have
suspicion that Apple will eventually combine Mail/iCal/Address Book into one
app, just like Entourage.


"If you can't feed a team with two pizzas, the size of the team is too

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