[Sigia-l] Mac mail packages

Listera listera at rcn.com
Thu Apr 6 04:02:47 EDT 2006

Stewart Dean:

>>> No, I don't want to have to think about the product...
>> and this:
>>> ...but to be able to put them together how I want them to go together.
>> don't go together.
> If you think about they do.  If the application does things in the way the
> user wants it to they don't have to think about it

But if you actually READ what the original poster said ("be able to put them
together how I want them to go together") it leaves no ambiguity about the
fact that she wants to dabble in it herself. She wants to design her own
UI/workflow HERSELF.

It is utterly impossible for a designer of a commercial email app to
anticipate and deliver every possible permutation of usage pattern out
there. It may be XUX, but it sure ain't design.

> much like in Steve Krug's book 'don't make me think'.

This case has absolutely nothing to do with 'don't make me think.' She WANTS
to think, as in "be able to put them together how I want them to go
together". She's rejecting designer-delivered UX; she wants a user-assembled
one, which is not what Krug advocates.


You must learn from the mistakes of others.
You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself.

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